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Art auction result for Serge Poliakoff

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Auctioned pieces | 1,721 results are found | Page 21 of 58 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 58

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff 12-07-2012 Composition In Bordeaux And Blue 24.80 x 31.30 in Color Lithograph 5,000 CHF
(5,590 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff 05-08-2019 Komposition In Grau, Rot Und Gelb 20.08 x 27.17 in Color Lithograph 5,500 CHF
(6,149 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff 06-17-2005 Composition Carmin, Brune, Jaune Et Grise 16.93 x 23.03 in Color Lithograph 6,000 CHF
(6,708 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff Hammer prices and photo for Serge Poliakoff 11-19-2013 Composition In Blue, Yellow And Red 24.41 x 18.11 in Color Lithograph 12,000 DKK
(1,752 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff Hammer prices and photo for Serge Poliakoff 09-24-2014 Composition Orange, Noire, Rose, Verte Et Rouge 9.84 x 12.80 in Color Lithograph 15,000 DKK
(2,190 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff 06-12-2008 Composition Jaune 25.20 x 18.90 in Color Lithograph 18,000 DKK
(2,628 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff Hammer prices and photo for Serge Poliakoff 03-05-2014 Composition Bleue Et Verte 26.77 x 20.08 in Color Lithograph 25,000 DKK
(3,650 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff Hammer prices and photo for Serge Poliakoff 11-14-2012 Composition En Rouge, Vert Et Bleu 41.93 x 29.92 in Color Lithograph 9,500 EUR
(10,355 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff Hammer prices and photo for Serge Poliakoff 11-09-2010 Composition Jaune, Rouge Et Grise 16.14 x 22.05 in Color Lithograph 1,050 EUR
(1,144 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff 12-06-2005 Compositie 35.83 x 26.18 in Color Lithograph 1,500 EUR
(1,635 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff Hammer prices and photo for Serge Poliakoff 06-26-2014 Abstraction 12.20 x 14.96 in Color Lithograph 1,500 EUR
(1,635 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff 10-08-2007 Composition Jaune, Orange Et Verte 16.93 x 22.44 in Color Lithograph 1,600 EUR
(1,744 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff Hammer prices and photo for Serge Poliakoff 12-03-2009 Composition Noire Et Blanche 17.72 x 15.75 in Color Lithograph 1,800 EUR
(1,962 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff Hammer prices and photo for Serge Poliakoff 06-20-2011 Composition 39.17 x 27.17 in Color Lithograph 200 EUR
(218 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff 02-24-2013 Composition Rouge, Bleu, Jaune, Noir. 20.87 x 16.54 in Color Lithograph 200 EUR
(218 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff Hammer prices and photo for Serge Poliakoff 05-28-2014 Composition Jaune Et Bleue. 25.00 x 18.90 in Color Lithograph 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff Hammer prices and photo for Serge Poliakoff 10-25-2014 Composition Jaune, Orange Et Verte. 19.80 x 26.02 in Color Lithograph 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff Hammer prices and photo for Serge Poliakoff 06-03-2009 Composition Bleue, Jaune Et Grise 22.13 x 29.92 in Color Lithograph 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff Hammer prices and photo for Serge Poliakoff 03-25-2007 Composition Rouge Et Bleue, 1968 14.96 x 12.60 in Color Lithograph 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff Hammer prices and photo for Serge Poliakoff 11-19-2007 Composition Grise, Rouge, Jaune, 1960 21.26 x 28.35 in Color Lithograph 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff 11-26-2005 Olympische Spiel 33.46 x 25.20 in Color Lithograph 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff 02-27-2007 Composition Rouge, Vete, Bleue Et Jaune 24.41 x 17.72 in Color Lithograph 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff 06-01-2005 Composition Bleue, 1966 31.34 x 24.88 in Color Lithograph 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff 06-01-2005 Composition Bleue Et Jaune, 1968 24.88 x 31.50 in Color Lithograph 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff 11-27-2004 Komposition In Orange Und Grün 23.86 x 17.72 in Color Lithograph 2,400 EUR
(2,616 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff Hammer prices and photo for Serge Poliakoff 12-02-2006 Komposition In Orange Und Grün 24.02 x 17.91 in Color Lithograph 2,400 EUR
(2,616 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff 11-26-2005 Komposition In Gelb Und Blau 25.16 x 18.98 in Color Lithograph 2,400 EUR
(2,616 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff Hammer prices and photo for Serge Poliakoff 07-04-2008 Composition Carmin, Brun 19.69 x 25.59 in Color Lithograph 2,400 EUR
(2,616 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff Hammer prices and photo for Serge Poliakoff 05-14-2009 Komposition In Gelb, Orange Und Grün. 1957 15.55 x 21.65 in Color Lithograph 2,500 EUR
(2,725 USD)
Hammer prices for Serge Poliakoff Hammer prices and photo for Serge Poliakoff 12-03-2009 Composition Rouge Et Bleue 12.72 x 10.24 in Color Lithograph 2,500 EUR
(2,725 USD)

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