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Art auction result for Alexej Von Jawlensky

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Auctioned pieces | 474 results are found | Page 4 of 16 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 16

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 11-29-2006 Stehende Mit Hand Am Kopf 19.41 x 12.20 in Chalk 12,000 EUR
(13,080 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-20-2018 Weiblicher Kopf (female Head) 12.20 x 9.92 in Chalk 25,000 GBP
(32,450 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-24-2004 Stehende Mit Hand Am Kopf 19.29 x 12.09 in Charcoal 10,000 GBP
(12,980 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 04-05-2006 Stehende 14.96 x 10.87 in Charcoal 6,000 GBP
(7,788 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-08-2010 Köpfe Portfolio: Kopf V 12.00 x 8.00 in Color Lithograph 12,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 01-11-2009 Head 30.00 x 21.00 in Color Lithograph 800 USD
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 02-05-2008 Frauenportrait 16.73 x 11.42 in Crayon 18,000 GBP
(23,364 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 02-04-2004 Portrait Of A Woman 16.73 x 11.42 in Crayon 4,000 GBP
(5,192 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 05-06-2015 Die Schiffe (holland) (the Ships (holland)) 13.62 x 19.69 in Gouache 350,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 11-29-2013 Blick Aus Dem Fenster, Hotel Verenahof (baden/schweiz) 10.91 x 8.46 in Ink 9,000 EUR
(9,810 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-25-2014 Heilandsgesicht (saviour’s Face) 14.29 x 10.67 in Ink 320,000 GBP
(415,360 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 12-04-2010 Kopf - Trauernd (head - Mourning) 10.87 x 7.44 in Lithograph 12,000 EUR
(13,080 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 12-04-2010 Kopf - Zweifelnd (head - Doubting) 12.20 x 9.21 in Lithograph 18,000 EUR
(19,620 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 11-26-2005 Liegender Weiblicher Akt ii 9.06 x 15.94 in Lithograph 3,000 EUR
(3,270 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 12-04-2010 Weiblicher Kopf Ii (female Head Ii) 13.39 x 8.46 in Lithograph 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 11-30-2012 Kopf 7.01 x 4.84 in Lithograph 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 11-26-2005 „kopf Iv“. 1922 11.30 x 9.45 in Lithograph 7,000 EUR
(7,630 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 11-26-2005 „becher Mit Drei Federn“. Um 1929 7.56 x 6.30 in Lithograph 7,000 EUR
(7,630 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 03-27-2018 Kopf (zweifelnd) (rosenbach 37) 17.99 x 12.01 in Lithograph 8,000 GBP
(10,384 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 01-22-2015 Kopf Ii, From Köpfe 11.89 x 7.52 in Lithograph 5,000 GBP
(6,490 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 12-02-2008 Nakenmodell I Vila 24.41 x 20.87 in Lithograph 40,000 SEK
(3,800 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-03-2008 Nakenmodell I Vila 24.41 x 20.87 in Lithograph 80,000 SEK
(7,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 05-19-2013 Head (kopf) 13.88 x 11.00 in Lithograph 5,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 12-07-2007 Variation: Winter Ii. 1916 N. 73. 14.65 x 10.55 in Oil 200,000 CHF
(223,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 12-05-2014 Mystischer Kopf (galka) 16.14 x 12.32 in Oil 400,000 CHF
(447,200 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-17-2005 Blumen 9.84 x 6.69 in Oil 60,000 CHF
(67,080 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 06-24-2005 Important Meditation 10.04 x 6.85 in Oil 80,000 CHF
(89,440 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 12-08-2004 Grosse Meditation „im Dom 9.69 x 7.87 in Oil 80,000 CHF
(89,440 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky Hammer prices and photo for Alexej Von Jawlensky 11-25-2008 Still Life With Two Blue Vases, Flowers, And A Bowl Of Gentian 7.28 x 5.75 in Oil 95,000 EUR
(103,550 USD)
Hammer prices for Alexej Von Jawlensky 05-15-2009 Still Life With Two Blue Vases, Flowers And Gentianbowls. 1936 7.28 x 5.75 in Oil 95,000 EUR
(103,550 USD)
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