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Art auction result for John Leech

1817 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 139 results are found | Page 1 of 5 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 5

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for John Leech 04-20-2004 The Good Little Boy 14.17 x 18.11 in
Hammer prices for John Leech 08-26-2004 Our Friend Mr Noddy Has A Day With The Brookside Harriers 23.03 x 31.50 in
Hammer prices for John Leech 08-26-2004 Our Friend Mr Noddy Has A Day With The Brookside Harriers 23.03 x 31.50 in
Hammer prices for John Leech 07-27-2005 Figures Out Shooting 3.31 x 5.51 in
Hammer prices for John Leech 09-18-2005 PolujÄ…ce Syreny 15.83 x 24.09 in
Hammer prices for John Leech 11-08-2005 Une Jeune Femme Dans Sa Chambre Accompagnée De Sa Servante 7.48 x 5.91 in
Hammer prices for John Leech 11-02-2005 Karikatur - Jagdunfall 4.13 x 6.30 in
Hammer prices for John Leech 03-21-2006 Buttons 7.09 x 4.72 in
Hammer prices for John Leech 04-10-2006 "don't Move There, We Shall Clear You"; "a Frolic Home After A Blank Day"; And "a Noble Science" 14.96 x 23.23 in
Hammer prices for John Leech 06-05-2006 A Shocking Young Lady Indeed, A Nice Game For Two Or More, The Mermaid's Haunt 15.75 x 23.62 in
Hammer prices for John Leech Hammer prices and photo for John Leech 06-27-2006 Come Hup! I Say - You Ugly Brute 14.17 x 23.23 in
Hammer prices for John Leech Hammer prices and photo for John Leech 11-29-2006 The Fair Toxophilites 20.08 x 25.59 in
Hammer prices for John Leech 07-05-2007 " Karikatur - Jagdunfall " 4.13 x 6.30 in
Hammer prices for John Leech Hammer prices and photo for John Leech 04-03-2007 Physical Education 22.05 x 30.12 in
Hammer prices for John Leech Hammer prices and photo for John Leech 09-11-2007 Provate Theatricals 10.83 x 16.42 in
Hammer prices for John Leech Hammer prices and photo for John Leech 05-15-2007 'pictures Of Life & Character' 12.60 x 17.72 in
Hammer prices for John Leech Hammer prices and photo for John Leech 10-09-2007 Private Theatricals" 10.83 x 16.42 in
Hammer prices for John Leech 01-19-2008 The Mermaids Haunt 15.50 x 24.00 in
Hammer prices for John Leech Hammer prices and photo for John Leech 01-15-2008 Archery: The Fair Joxophilites 19.69 x 25.79 in
Hammer prices for John Leech Hammer prices and photo for John Leech 05-07-2008 Private Theatricals 10.83 x 16.42 in
Hammer prices for John Leech Hammer prices and photo for John Leech 08-05-2008 Private Theatricals 10.83 x 16.42 in
Hammer prices for John Leech Hammer prices and photo for John Leech 06-03-2008 "scarlet Runners And Carriage Stalkers, Covent Garden Market" And "a Celebrated PennY-A-Liner Introduces The Enormous Gooseberry To The Monster Mushroom" 4.53 x 5.71 in
Hammer prices for John Leech Hammer prices and photo for John Leech 09-02-2008 Scarlet Runners And Carriage Stalkers, Covent Garden Market 4.50 x 5.75 in
Hammer prices for John Leech 09-24-2008 The Comic History Of England 4.13 x 5.91 in
Hammer prices for John Leech 10-18-2008 A Capital Finish 15.75 x 24.80 in
Hammer prices for John Leech 01-13-2009 Private Theatricals 10.83 x 16.42 in
Hammer prices for John Leech Hammer prices and photo for John Leech 05-12-2009 Inspecting The Volunteers 4.53 x 6.50 in
Hammer prices for John Leech Hammer prices and photo for John Leech 06-02-2009 A TreE-Lined Road; And Chalets On A Mountainside. 11.02 x 10.83 in
Hammer prices for John Leech 07-08-2009 Private Theatricals 10.00 x 16.00 in
Hammer prices for John Leech 02-07-2010 Yes My Dears! I Know The Sea Breeze..., 14.88 x 23.13 in
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