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Art auction result for Fernand Léger

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Auctioned pieces | 2,703 results are found | Page 6 of 91 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 97

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 09-18-2006 Inbjudan Till Utställning På Legérmuseet I Biot 6.69 x 9.06 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 09-02-2006 Liberté, J'écris Ton Nom 22.95 x 17.52 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 09-02-2006 From: Album De 10 Sérigraphies. 12.68 x 8.94 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 09-02-2006 From: Album De 10 Sérigraphies 12.99 x 10.04 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 09-23-2006 Nature Morte Aux Fruits 13.70 x 17.83 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 09-23-2006 Ohne Titel (frauenbüste Und Stilleben) 12.60 x 16.14 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 10-27-2006 Les Anneaux. Zweifarbige 14.96 x 21.97 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 12-04-2006 Komposition 26.77 x 17.72 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 11-02-2006 Kopf Mit Blatt 12.60 x 9.06 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 11-25-2006 La Lecture 17.13 x 21.85 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 12-21-2006 Untitled 13.39 x 17.32 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 12-09-2006 Décor Pour Le Ballet Russe,de Serge Lifar »david Triomphant 6.10 x 7.99 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 12-09-2006 Composition Au Profil. 14.17 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 12-09-2006 L’échafaudage Au Soleil. 13.31 x 17.80 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 12-02-2006 L'encrier 8.31 x 11.93 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 12-02-2006 Fumeur. 18.11 x 13.39 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 12-02-2006 Feuille 8.46 x 6.10 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 05-09-2007 La Famille. 17.91 x 13.39 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 05-09-2007 La Famille. 17.91 x 13.39 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 05-09-2007 Compositions Aux Dominos 16.93 x 12.99 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 05-09-2007 Composition. 16.14 x 22.44 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 05-09-2007 Danseuse. 17.72 x 12.20 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 05-09-2007 Vies 12.60 x 9.45 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 01-09-2007 Komposition Med Figurer 13.78 x 9.65 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 01-09-2007 Komposition 10.83 x 6.10 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 01-09-2007 Stilleben 16.93 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 06-06-2007 Composition 13.78 x 17.32 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 01-25-2007 Teatersällskap 13.39 x 17.32 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger 01-25-2007 Efter Honom 10.83 x 7.87 in
Hammer prices for Fernand Léger Hammer prices and photo for Fernand Léger 02-06-2007 Stilleben 16.93 x 12.60 in
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