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Art auction result for Laurence Stephen Lowry

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Auctioned pieces | 2,323 results are found | Page 13 of 78 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 81

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 The Family 10.24 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 Going To The Match 20.67 x 26.77 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 Our Town 16.54 x 24.02 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 Peel Park 14.96 x 29.72 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 The Harbour 15.94 x 21.85 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 Britain At Play 17.52 x 23.43 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 The Football Match 9.84 x 13.98 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 Station Approach 15.75 x 19.88 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 The Family 10.43 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 Ferry Boats 17.05 x 17.01 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 The Contraption 12.40 x 11.81 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 Figures In The Park 15.94 x 12.01 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 People Standing About 12.99 x 19.49 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 The Lake 14.96 x 18.50 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 Crime Lake 18.11 x 24.02 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 Station Approach 15.75 x 19.88 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 Group Of Children 7.09 x 7.68 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 The Harbour 15.94 x 21.85 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 Ferry Boats 12.01 x 15.94 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 04-03-2012 The Family 10.24 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 05-16-2012 Tree In The Square 18.82 x 24.02 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 05-16-2012 Old Steps, Stockport 24.41 x 18.90 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 05-16-2012 Punch And Judy 17.52 x 26.97 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry Hammer prices and photo for Laurence Stephen Lowry 09-08-2011 Street Scene With Figures 20.00 x 12.50 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 03-07-2012 The Contraption 12.60 x 11.81 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 03-07-2012 The Contraption 13.39 x 12.20 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 05-30-2012 Old House 9.65 x 13.58 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 05-30-2012 Yachts At Lytham St. Anne's 8.46 x 13.39 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 06-13-2012 Village On A Hill 36.61 x 24.02 in
Hammer prices for Laurence Stephen Lowry 06-13-2012 The Contraption 12.20 x 11.81 in

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