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Art auction result for Dieter Roth

1930 Back
33 New search

Auctioned pieces | 934 results are found | Page 12 of 32 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 20

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 06-19-2009 Kleines Theater 17.20 x 23.70 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 06-19-2009 Gemischter Kopfsalat 27.36 x 35.24 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 06-06-2009 Grafiek En Boeken 19.69 x 27.56 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 06-11-2009 So! 17.24 x 24.37 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 06-06-2009 Mein Auge Ist Ein Mund 19.69 x 15.35 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 06-06-2009 Berlin 2 22.56 x 31.42 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 06-06-2009 Komposition 11.42 x 6.57 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 05-29-2009 7 Käfige 8.27 x 11.42 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 05-29-2009 Dieter Roth: Essay Nr. 11 12.60 x 9.25 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 07-02-2009 Scharfe Mütze. 1971. 22.44 x 31.30 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 07-02-2009 Wenn Das Schiff Auf Dem Horizont Erscheint, - Der Schinken Auf Dem Brettchen Weint. 1972. 21.65 x 32.68 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 06-20-2009 Überarbeitete Eintrittskarte Zur Kunstaktion 12.20 x 16.54 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 10-17-2009 Untitled, 1975/81. 27.56 x 38.19 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 10-31-2009 Deutsche Städte: Berlin 1 22.64 x 31.50 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 10-31-2009 Deutsche Städte: Berlin 2 22.64 x 31.34 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 10-31-2009 Deutsche Städte: Düsseldorf 22.56 x 31.34 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 10-31-2009 Und Stefan Wewerka. Die Gegenlose Welt 23.70 x 23.66 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 10-31-2009 Und Stefan Wewerka. Die Gegenlose Welt 23.62 x 23.62 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 11-14-2009 Strichkomposition. 30.31 x 22.05 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 12-03-2009 Unknown 8.66 x 9.45 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 03-24-2010 Stefan's Blues 24.02 x 33.46 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 03-31-2010 The Damn Shit, The Whole Shit 9.84 x 7.09 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 10-29-2010 Blumenstrauss 17.32 x 24.41 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 10-29-2010 Tagebuchseiten 8.07 x 4.13 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 10-29-2010 Selbstportrait Als Portion Grünen Salates 20.67 x 19.29 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 10-29-2010 Doppelkopf 25.87 x 36.61 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 10-29-2010 Ein Taschenzimmer Von Diter Rot 0.79 x 4.72 x 3.35 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 10-29-2010 Eistorte 29.92 x 22.05 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 06-01-2010 Zwei Birnen 13.78 x 16.93 in
Hammer prices for Dieter Roth Hammer prices and photo for Dieter Roth 06-01-2010 Lebenslauf 16.93 x 13.39 in

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