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Art auction result for Marc Chagall

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Auctioned pieces | 13,120 results are found | Page 148 of 438 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 399

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-15-2009 Le Visage D'israel - Das Gesicht Israels 13.62 x 9.96 in Color Lithograph 600 CHF
(670 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 04-09-2008 Klagelied Des Jeremias 13.78 x 10.24 in Color Lithograph 600 CHF
(670 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 09-15-2006 Ohne Titel, 1950. 13.98 x 20.08 in Color Lithograph 600 CHF
(670 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 04-09-2008 L’ange Du Jugement 28.54 x 21.46 in Color Lithograph 6,000 CHF
(6,708 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-15-2009 Quai Aux Fleurs, 1954 14.57 x 10.83 in Color Lithograph 6,000 CHF
(6,708 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-15-2009 David Und Bathseba, 1956 14.02 x 10.35 in Color Lithograph 6,000 CHF
(6,708 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 12-13-2010 Plakat Für Die Galerie Maeght 28.35 x 20.28 in Color Lithograph 6,000 CHF
(6,708 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-22-2012 Paysage Au Coq. 15.16 x 22.05 in Color Lithograph 6,000 CHF
(6,708 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 05-16-2009 "le Joueur De Flûte". 1957 8.66 x 14.76 in Color Lithograph 700 CHF
(782 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-15-2009 Blatt Aus Le Cirque 16.73 x 12.80 in Color Lithograph 700 CHF
(782 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-15-2009 "der Zug Durch Das Rote Meer", Aus Exodus, 1966 17.72 x 12.99 in Color Lithograph 7,000 CHF
(7,826 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-15-2009 Der Israelitische Stamm Dan, 1964 24.33 x 18.19 in Color Lithograph 7,000 CHF
(7,826 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-15-2009 "moses Verkündet Die Worte Des Herrn", Aus Exodus, 1966 17.72 x 12.99 in Color Lithograph 7,000 CHF
(7,826 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-15-2009 "aaron Und Der Siebenarmige Leuchter", Aus Exodus, 1966 17.72 x 12.99 in Color Lithograph 7,000 CHF
(7,826 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-15-2009 "der Brennende Dornbusch", Aus Exodus, 1966 17.72 x 12.99 in Color Lithograph 7,000 CHF
(7,826 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-16-2008 Le Coq Au Croissant 5.12 x 8.07 in Color Lithograph 7,000 CHF
(7,826 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-22-2012 Atelier De Nuit. 25.59 x 18.90 in Color Lithograph 7,000 CHF
(7,826 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 12-09-2011 La Fable De Syringe. 16.69 x 12.80 in Color Lithograph 7,000 CHF
(7,826 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 11-11-2007 Vocation 11.02 x 9.25 in Color Lithograph 7,000 CHF
(7,826 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 05-08-2019 Die Morgenröte 13.78 x 10.63 in Color Lithograph 7,000 CHF
(7,826 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-13-2007 Le Cantique Des Cantiques 29.92 x 20.08 in Color Lithograph 800 CHF
(894 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-15-2009 Les Amoureux Au Soleil Rouge 18.78 x 12.72 in Color Lithograph 800 CHF
(894 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 12-13-2010 SainT-Paul De Vence) Sur La Terre Des Dieux: A La Femme, Qu''esT-Il Resté? 25.59 x 19.69 in Color Lithograph 8,000 CHF
(8,944 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 12-09-2011 Le Chevalet. 12.80 x 9.84 in Color Lithograph 8,000 CHF
(8,944 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-22-2012 Le Cirque Au Clown Jaune. 26.38 x 20.28 in Color Lithograph 8,000 CHF
(8,944 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-22-2012 Les Quatre Saisons. 35.43 x 24.02 in Color Lithograph 8,000 CHF
(8,944 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 05-08-2019 ´´le Grand Paysan´´. 23.62 x 17.72 in Color Lithograph 8,000 CHF
(8,944 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 02-22-2005 Komposition Med Mand Og Tyr 26.38 x 19.69 in Color Lithograph 8,000 DKK
(1,168 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 10-05-2005 "the Angel Of Judgement", 1974. 27.24 x 21.46 in Color Lithograph 80,000 DKK
(11,680 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 10-05-2005 "le Ciel Bleu", 1964. 27.95 x 20.47 in Color Lithograph 80,000 DKK
(11,680 USD)

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