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Art auction result for Alexander (sandy) Calder

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Auctioned pieces | 4,197 results are found | Page 80 of 140 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 291

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 11-14-2003 1000-A-Sit 19.76 x 15.00 in Gouache 12,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 11-14-2003 Coralies 30.75 x 11.50 in Gouache 18,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 11-14-2003 Untitled 14.76 x 42.52 in Gouache 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 11-14-2003 Pyramids 14.61 x 42.76 in Gouache 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 11-14-2003 Seattle 37.99 x 51.50 in Gouache 25,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 11-14-2003 Suspense 42.52 x 14.76 in Gouache 25,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 11-14-2003 Yellow Boots 29.49 x 13.74 in Gouache 25,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 11-14-2003 The Wage 42.76 x 14.49 in Gouache 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 02-26-2007 Untitled 30.00 x 40.24 in Gouache 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 02-26-2007 Untitled 42.24 x 29.25 in Gouache 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 02-26-2007 Untitled 14.96 x 10.98 in Gouache 18,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 02-26-2007 Untitled: A Pair 14.02 x 15.98 in Gouache 15,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 02-26-2007 Untitled 42.01 x 29.02 in Gouache 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 02-26-2007 Stars And Spirals 42.52 x 29.25 in Gouache 25,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 02-26-2007 Untitled 29.25 x 42.01 in Gouache 35,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 02-26-2007 Yellow Flying Fish 30.51 x 22.83 in Gouache 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 02-26-2007 Spirals On Yellow 22.64 x 30.71 in Gouache 35,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 02-26-2007 Untitled 29.25 x 42.99 in Gouache 40,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 11-15-2006 Untitled 27.48 x 34.96 in Gouache 40,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 11-15-2006 Untitled (banner Cartoons) 42.99 x 14.49 in Gouache 80,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 11-15-2006 Les Ballons 30.71 x 22.05 in Gouache 35,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder Hammer prices and photo for Alexander (sandy) Calder 04-21-2007 Untitled 21.70 x 30.00 in Gouache 25,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 11-15-2006 Black Anatomy 29.02 x 42.52 in Gouache 35,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 11-15-2006 Untitled 29.76 x 43.27 in Gouache 35,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 11-15-2006 Spiral 22.24 x 30.00 in Gouache 101 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder 11-15-2006 Untitled (propellar In The Center) 29.49 x 42.36 in Gouache 40,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder Hammer prices and photo for Alexander (sandy) Calder 09-10-2007 Cinema 29.25 x 42.50 in Gouache 22,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder Hammer prices and photo for Alexander (sandy) Calder 09-10-2007 Untitled 30.00 x 44.00 in Gouache 18,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder Hammer prices and photo for Alexander (sandy) Calder 05-20-2007 Composition 29.25 x 42.99 in Gouache 40,000 USD
Hammer prices for Alexander (sandy) Calder Hammer prices and photo for Alexander (sandy) Calder 09-09-2007 Ying Yang With Loops 30.50 x 23.00 in Gouache 30,000 USD

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