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Art auction result for Ignacy Pinkas

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Auctioned pieces | 36 results are found | Page 1 of 2 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 12-14-2005 Widok Z Radnickich Schodów W Pradze 19.29 x 7.09 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 08-30-2006 Obraz Dwustronny 40.94 x 36.61 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 09-11-2006 Fragment Z Placu Mariackiego W Krakowie 23.43 x 19.49 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 10-21-2006 KoŚcióŁ W Grodzisku KoŁo Ojcowa 19.09 x 23.31 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 06-16-2007 Wawel - Kurza Stopka 14.57 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 06-16-2007 Wawel - Katedra 17.72 x 7.87 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 06-16-2007 Wawel - Dziedziniec Batorego 16.93 x 12.40 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 09-15-2007 Motyw Z Rynku Krakowskiego - KoŚcióŁ Św. Wojciecha I NajŚwiĘtszej Marii Panny 10.24 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 11-15-2008 Motyw Z Rynku Krakowskiego - KoŚcióŁ Św. Wojciecha I NajŚwiĘtszej Marii Panny 10.24 x 8.27 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas 11-07-2009 Untitle 19.69 x 13.78 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 02-24-2010 Portret Mężczyzny 38.78 x 26.77 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 05-29-2010 Praga. Čertovka Na Malej Stranie 19.69 x 15.75 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 06-12-2011 Spring Landscape 19.88 x 15.35 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 06-18-2011 Fragment Sukiennic 10.63 x 7.48 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 10-16-2011 Sunflowers 38.78 x 26.38 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 03-18-2012 Sunflowers, Before September 38.78 x 26.38 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas 06-16-2012 Widok Z Małego Rynku 15.55 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas 06-16-2012 Widok Z Gmachu „feniksa” Na Rynek 12.40 x 11.02 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas 06-16-2012 Wawel – Wieża Zegarowa 15.35 x 9.92 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas 06-16-2012 Wawel – Dziedziniec Batorego 14.96 x 11.02 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas 06-16-2012 Wieża Ratuszowa 14.76 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 12-08-2012 Widok Paryski 17.72 x 20.87 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas 05-18-2013 Wawel - Dziedziniec Batorego 14.96 x 11.02 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas 05-18-2013 Wawel - Kurza Stopka 12.40 x 11.02 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas 05-18-2013 Widok Z Gmachu Feniksa Na Rynek 15.35 x 10.24 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas 05-18-2013 Widok Z Małego Rynku 15.35 x 10.24 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas 05-18-2013 Wieża Ratuszowa 14.76 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas 05-18-2013 Wawel - Wieża Zegarowa 15.35 x 9.92 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 05-18-2013 Panorama Wilna 12.40 x 39.17 in
Hammer prices for Ignacy Pinkas Hammer prices and photo for Ignacy Pinkas 05-14-2014 Kościoły św. Wojciecha I Mariacki W Krakowie 19.69 x 9.84 in
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