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Art auction result for Matthew Barney

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Auctioned pieces | 259 results are found | Page 7 of 9 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 1

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 04-09-2018 Cremaster 3: Pentastar 41.54 x 32.87 in Print 12,000 GBP
(15,576 USD)
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 10-21-2008 Cremaster 4: Three Legs Of Man 27.99 x 40.00 in Print 22,000 GBP
(28,556 USD)
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 10-17-2013 Cremaster 3: Level 33.66 x 27.56 x 1.38 in Print 30,000 GBP
(38,940 USD)
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 10-15-2007 Cremaster 4: The Loughton Candidate 19.41 x 17.52 in Print 35,000 GBP
(45,430 USD)
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 10-15-2007 Cremaster 5: The Queen's Menagerie 52.76 x 42.52 in Print 60,000 GBP
(77,880 USD)
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 09-18-2008 Cremaster 10.04 x 7.95 in Print 700 GBP
(908 USD)
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 05-14-2008 Cremaster Suite 44.00 x 34.00 in Print 600,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 09-23-2009 Drawing Restraint 9: Toya 26.00 x 22.00 x 1.25 in Print 12,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 10-09-2009 Cremaster 3: Plumb Line 24.00 x 20.00 in Print 15,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 03-11-2009 Cremaster 4: Three Legs Of Man 27.99 x 40.00 in Print 35,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 11-13-2008 Cremaster 2: The Ballad Of Max Jensen 24.00 x 28.00 in Print 120,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 02-26-2007 Cremaster 2: Korihor 43.11 x 33.86 in Print 90,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 11-16-2006 Cremaster 2: The Metamorphosis 53.27 x 42.99 x 0.98 in Print 80,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 05-17-2007 Cremaster 4: Loughton Ram 33.27 x 23.50 in Print 70,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 02-28-2007 Cremaster 3: Plumb Line 28.00 x 24.00 in Print 15,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 02-28-2007 A Pele De Lâmina 29.02 x 19.49 x 2.01 in Print 18,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 05-17-2007 Cremaster 5 - Her Giant 38.11 x 27.24 in Print 220,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 05-17-2007 Cremaster 5 - Bocáss El (in 4 Parts) 38.11 x 27.24 x 0.98 in Print 180,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 05-11-2006 Cremaster 2: The Executioner's Song 27.99 x 23.98 in Print 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 09-13-2006 Cremaster 3: The Giants' Causeway 41.54 x 10.35 in Print 60,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 09-13-2006 Cremaster 3: Plumb Line 27.99 x 24.02 in Print 20,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 05-05-2006 Cremaster 2: Vertscape/2step 43.50 x 16.00 in Print 120,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 05-05-2006 Cremaster 3: The Giants' Causeway 41.50 x 33.50 in Print 150,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 05-05-2006 Cremaster 1: Ms. Goodyear 43.50 x 53.50 in Print 180,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney Hammer prices and photo for Matthew Barney 04-08-2006 Cremaster 3, 2001-2002 30.51 x 19.02 in Print 1,500 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 11-09-2005 Cremaster 1: Orchidella 53.74 x 43.50 in Print 150,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 05-13-2005 Cremaster 5: The Menagerie Of The Queen Of Chain 30.00 x 23.50 x 0.98 in Print 18,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 05-13-2005 Cremaster 2: The Royal Cell Of Baby Fay 27.99 x 20.00 in Print 18,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 05-12-2004 Cremaster 2: The Royal Cell Of Baby Fay 27.99 x 20.00 in Print 15,000 USD
Hammer prices for Matthew Barney 05-12-2004 Cremaster 3: Plumbline 27.95 x 24.02 in Print 12,000 USD
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