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Art auction result for Yoshitomo Nara

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Auctioned pieces | 973 results are found | Page 13 of 33 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 4

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 05-06-2004 Untitled 11.65 x 8.27 in Drawing 2,800 GBP
(3,634 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 05-06-2004 Wellcome To Fight 11.65 x 16.50 in Drawing 3,000 GBP
(3,894 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 05-13-2015 Untitled 14.49 x 12.01 in Drawing 45,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 11-18-2007 For An an 8.66 x 7.09 in Felt Tip Pen 1,500 EUR
(1,635 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 06-21-2004 Acid Rain 11.42 x 7.87 in Felt Tip Pen 4,000 GBP
(5,192 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 06-30-2004 Attack To The Rotten World! 9.45 x 11.81 in Felt Tip Pen 4,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 05-14-2004 Untitled 11.61 x 8.50 in Felt Tip Pen 8,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 05-16-2008 Harmless Rock No More, 2002 11.50 x 8.30 in Felt Tip Pen 25,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 10-12-2007 I Think Therefore I Am A Dog 80.00 x 51.97 in Fiberglass 150,000 GBP
(194,700 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 06-26-2009 The Little Pilgrim (night Walking) 28.27 x 17.99 x 16.93 in Fiberglass 20,000 GBP
(25,960 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 11-13-2008 Crated Room #4, 2006 78.74 x 78.74 x 46.06 in Fiberglass 300,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 05-15-2008 The Little Pilgrims Night Walking, 1999 28.00 x 19.00 x 19.00 in Fiberglass 300,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 03-07-2012 Pilgrim Heads 14.02 x 19.13 x 9.61 in Fiberglass 150,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 11-09-2010 I Think Therefore I Am....a Dog 60.00 x 51.50 x 36.50 in Fiberglass 70,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 05-10-2011 Your Dog 74.02 x 60.00 x 96.93 in Fiberglass 400,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 11-13-2012 Your Dog 55.98 x 105.00 in Fiberglass 700,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 11-14-2007 I Think Therefore I Am....a Dog 60.00 x 51.50 x 36.50 in Fiberglass 200,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 11-15-2007 Dogs From Your Childhood 41.73 x 23.46 x 95.98 in Fiberglass 200,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 11-15-2007 The Little Pilgrims 28.35 x 19.69 in Fiberglass 350,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 11-14-2006 Your Dog 72.01 x 50.98 x 107.99 in Fiberglass 400,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 11-13-2003 The Little Pilgrim (night Walking) 28.27 x 17.99 x 16.93 in Fiberglass 25,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 11-11-2003 The Little Pilgrims (night Walking) 28.35 x 19.69 x 16.73 in Fiberglass 150,000 USD
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 10-20-2020 Doggy Radio X Rimowa 16.93 x 20.87 x 10.24 in Glass 80,000 HKD
(103,760 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 12-05-2008 Das Mädchen Im Himmel... / The Young Girl In Heaven... 19.49 x 13.58 in Gouache 12,000 EUR
(13,080 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 11-29-2011 For Ladies And Gentlemen, The Little Babies And The Household Pet, The Punches And The Judys, The Crunchees And The Bruisees 19.69 x 27.36 in Gouache 23,000 EUR
(25,070 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 12-03-2010 Untitled 8.27 x 9.25 in Gouache 4,000 EUR
(4,360 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 12-03-2010 Untitled 13.58 x 9.57 in Gouache 5,000 EUR
(5,450 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 05-31-2011 Untitled (fire Head) 19.49 x 13.58 in Gouache 8,000 EUR
(8,720 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara Hammer prices and photo for Yoshitomo Nara 06-22-2006 Untitled 10.47 x 16.85 in Gouache 12,000 GBP
(15,576 USD)
Hammer prices for Yoshitomo Nara 12-12-2007 Mumps 11.65 x 8.27 in Gouache 12,000 GBP
(15,576 USD)

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