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Art auction result for Hermann Pohle

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Auctioned pieces | 23 results are found | Page 1 of 1 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 3

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle 07-01-2004 Hochalpental In Tirol 10.24 x 14.57 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle 10-30-2004 Kutsche Am Gebirgsbach 39.37 x 31.50 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle 06-24-2005 Frau Am Fluss 43.31 x 32.28 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle 10-20-2005 "in Tirol". 10.63 x 14.57 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle 11-18-2005 Volksfest Im Walde 40.55 x 61.81 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Pohle 10-09-2008 Abendstimmung. Schloss An Großem Parksee Mit Schwänen 27.17 x 39.37 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Pohle 11-28-2008 Bäuerin Auf Einer Kleinen Holzbrücke Über Einem Bach Am Waldrand, Im Hintergrund Ein Bayrisches Dorf 17.28 x 12.83 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Pohle 01-17-2009 Sommerliche Flusslandschaft 18.11 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Pohle 05-30-2009 Ziegenhirte Am Ufer Eines Baches In Bewaldetem Tal 39.76 x 30.12 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Pohle 12-04-2009 Pendants: Sommerliche Landschaften Mit Wanderern 10.24 x 15.75 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle 03-18-2010 Steinbruch 24.41 x 29.92 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Pohle 09-17-2010 Elegante Dame Mit Federboa 54.33 x 35.04 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Pohle 10-24-2012 Porträtstudie Einer Frau 15.75 x 12.20 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Pohle 09-22-2014 Morgenstimmung In Einer Mittelgebirgslandschaft 11.81 x 18.50 in
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Pohle 07-02-2014 Bauerngehöft In Sommerlandschaft 31.50 x 42.91 in Oil 1,500 EUR
(1,635 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle 11-20-2013 Bauerngehöft In Sommerlandschaft 32.28 x 42.91 in Oil 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle 04-23-2007 Pêcheurs Au Bord De La Rivière 20.08 x 24.80 in Oil 4,000 EUR
(4,360 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Pohle 03-23-2010 Lake Lucerne 27.17 x 34.65 in Oil 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle 11-30-2005 Landscape With Waterfall, Motif From St. Gotthard 43.31 x 60.63 in Oil 9,000 EUR
(9,810 USD)
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle 11-22-2003 Rehe In Wald Lichtung. 13.00 x 18.00 in Oil 2,500 USD
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle 01-28-2011 Stream At Field's Edge 28.00 x 40.00 in Oil 2,000 USD
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Pohle 01-23-2020 Fishermen At Mountain Waterfall 25.50 x 32.50 in Oil 1,800 USD
Hammer prices for Hermann Pohle Hammer prices and photo for Hermann Pohle 10-19-2009 Wooded Landscape With Figures. 20.08 x 25.00 in Painting 1,400 EUR
(1,526 USD)

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