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Art auction result for Anton Pick

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Auctioned pieces | 65 results are found | Page 1 of 3 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 9

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Anton Pick 07-07-2005 Bäuerin Mit Kind Vor Einem Dorf In Abendlicher Berglandschaft 18.90 x 27.17 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick 09-23-2005 Waldlandschaft Mit Bauerngehöft 19.69 x 35.04 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick 09-19-2005 Mondscheinnacht |ber Alpensee 27.17 x 41.34 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick 11-04-2004 Bäuerin Mit Kind Vor Einem Dorf In Abendlicher Berglandschaft 18.90 x 27.17 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick 12-05-2005 Mondscheinnacht |ber Alpensee 27.17 x 41.34 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 10-18-2006 Kilátás A Königsee -re 13.39 x 17.52 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 12-04-2006 Pastoralt Landskap 20.87 x 37.40 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 06-27-2007 Mühle Am Reissenden Gebirgsbach 25.59 x 30.71 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick 11-08-2007 Angler Vor Einer Hütte Am Ufer Des Achensees 7.28 x 12.40 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 02-05-2008 Figures By A Frozen Pond With A Mill And Woodland 9.92 x 7.87 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 03-04-2008 Pastoralt Landskap Med Figurer 20.47 x 35.83 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 03-04-2008 Partie Am MondseE-Oberösterreich 12.80 x 18.70 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 03-04-2008 Partie Am Gmundner See 12.20 x 18.50 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 05-27-2008 Holdfényes Táj 29.13 x 39.57 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 05-07-2008 Figures By A Frozen Pond With A Mill And Woodland 9.92 x 7.87 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 06-11-2008 Fischer Am Ufer Des Genfer Sees 19.09 x 31.50 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick 07-03-2008 Wasserfall Bei Mondbeleuchtung 16.54 x 20.47 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 09-19-2008 Partie Am Achensee, So Rückseitig Betitelt 6.89 x 12.20 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick 10-07-2008 Figures In A Field Beside An Alpine Lake; Rowing Across An Alpine Lake 18.11 x 36.61 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 12-04-2008 Malerische Flusslandschaft In Den Alpen Mit Gebirgspanorama; Schäfer Mit Ruhender Herde Auf Besonnter Wiese 27.17 x 41.73 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 04-10-2010 Blick Auf Bad Ischl Am Wolfgangsee An Einem Sommertag. 21.65 x 27.17 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 04-10-2010 Blick Über Flusslauf Auf Residenzstadt Und Schlosshügel. 18.70 x 25.79 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 05-24-2010 Alplandskap Med Sjö 25.59 x 40.94 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 06-08-2010 Alplandskap Med Sjö 25.59 x 40.94 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 05-12-2009 Holdfényes Táj 29.13 x 39.57 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 06-13-2009 Bergsee 10.24 x 16.54 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 12-18-2010 Csónak A Tavon 6.30 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 06-17-2011 Blick Auf Den "töplitzer See" In Der Steiermark, So Rückseitig Auf Etikett Betitelt. 26.77 x 41.73 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 05-08-2011 Vodní Mlýn V Horské Krajině 20.87 x 16.93 in
Hammer prices for Anton Pick Hammer prices and photo for Anton Pick 05-08-2011 Před Domem U Vodopádu 20.87 x 16.93 in
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