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Art auction result for Roland Svensson

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Auctioned pieces | 1,892 results are found | Page 59 of 64 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 273

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 06-11-2007 Ännu Ett Skärgårdsår 11.81 x 15.75 in Color Lithograph 5,000 SEK
(475 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 04-09-2012 Tristan Da Cunha 5.12 x 18.90 in Color Lithograph 600 SEK
(57 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 06-16-2008 Dagar I Skärgård Och Annorstädes 12.60 x 9.65 in Color Lithograph 6,000 SEK
(570 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 04-16-2012 Vinterskärgård 8.66 x 15.75 in Color Lithograph 700 SEK
(66 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 04-16-2012 Skärgård 11.81 x 19.29 in Color Lithograph 700 SEK
(66 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson 01-07-2019 Tristan Da Cunha 10.63 x 16.54 in Color Lithograph 700 SEK
(66 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 12-04-2007 Tristan Da Cunha, South Atlantic 15.55 x 19.69 in Color Lithograph 7,000 SEK
(665 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 12-04-2007 Tristan Da Cunha, South Atlantic 15.55 x 19.69 in Color Lithograph 7,000 SEK
(665 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 06-11-2007 Med Stentryck Under Fyra Decennier 26.77 x 21.65 in Color Lithograph 7,000 SEK
(665 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson 06-14-2004 Arktiskt Land 24.41 x 18.31 in Color Lithograph 8,000 SEK
(760 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson 09-26-2005 Marsmorgon Tornö 22.05 x 17.32 in Color Lithograph 8,000 SEK
(760 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 12-15-2011 Årstiderna I Skärgården 15.75 x 19.69 in Color Lithograph 8,000 SEK
(760 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 04-04-2012 Skärgårdsmotiv 11.81 x 17.72 in Color Lithograph 1,000 SEK
(95 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 08-23-2010 Utskärgård 10.63 x 17.32 in Color Lithograph 1,000 SEK
(95 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 01-31-2011 ”gistgården”- Skärgårdsmotiv 8.66 x 25.39 in Color Lithograph 1,000 SEK
(95 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 08-27-2011 Kust 9.84 x 16.93 in Color Lithograph 1,000 SEK
(95 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson 01-07-2019 Archipelago Motif Dusk 13.39 x 16.93 in Color Lithograph 1,000 SEK
(95 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson 04-06-2004 Pojke I Säng 11.02 x 14.17 in Color Lithograph 1,000 SEK
(95 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson 04-05-2004 Kustmotiv 10.24 x 15.35 in Color Lithograph 1,000 SEK
(95 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson 04-05-2004 Port Of Ness 12.99 x 9.45 in Color Lithograph 1,000 SEK
(95 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson 08-30-2004 Vinterbåten 17.91 x 13.78 in Color Lithograph 10,000 SEK
(950 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 12-04-2007 Stolta Stad 23.43 x 34.65 in Color Lithograph 10,000 SEK
(950 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 06-16-2008 Ännu Ett Skärgårdsår 15.75 x 11.81 in Color Lithograph 10,000 SEK
(950 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 03-03-2008 Skärgård 16.34 x 22.64 in Color Lithograph 10,000 SEK
(950 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 06-16-2011 Västan - Sommarbåten 11.61 x 17.32 in Color Lithograph 10,000 SEK
(950 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 02-22-2010 Möte På Isen 13.39 x 19.49 in Color Lithograph 10,000 SEK
(950 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson 06-03-2010 Hos Karlssons I Storskärgårn 8.86 x 12.99 in Gouache 12,000 SEK
(1,140 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 12-11-2006 Gillöga 2.76 x 14.17 in Gouache 15,000 SEK
(1,425 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 04-25-2009 Kvällsstämning Bohuslän 11.42 x 13.78 in Gouache 6,000 SEK
(570 USD)
Hammer prices for Roland Svensson Hammer prices and photo for Roland Svensson 11-24-2009 Fåglar På Skärgårdskobbe 8.66 x 16.34 in Gouache 6,000 SEK
(570 USD)

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