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Art auction result for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo)

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Auctioned pieces | 3,606 results are found | Page 109 of 121 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 241

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 08-17-2021 Composition With Woman. 38.19 x 29.92 in Silkscreen 3,000 DKK
(438 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 08-31-2021 Les Derniers Feux Du Soleil 29.53 x 24.02 in Silkscreen 3,000 DKK
(438 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 08-17-2021 Three Compositions 8.27 x 5.91 in Silkscreen 3,000 DKK
(438 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 08-31-2021 Composition 19.69 x 25.59 in Silkscreen 3,000 DKK
(438 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 09-07-2021 Bain Du Soleil 31.50 x 32.28 in Silkscreen 3,000 DKK
(438 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 09-07-2021 Composition With People, Birds And Cat 32.28 x 31.50 in Silkscreen 3,000 DKK
(438 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 09-07-2021 Les Trois Étoiles 32.28 x 31.50 in Silkscreen 3,000 DKK
(438 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 12-09-2014 Woman And Sun. 24.80 x 20.47 in Silkscreen 3,000 DKK
(438 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 09-14-2021 Allegro 12.99 x 9.84 in Silkscreen 4,000 DKK
(584 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 06-15-2021 Hymne A L'été 12.99 x 15.75 in Silkscreen 4,000 DKK
(584 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 05-18-2021 Allegro 13.39 x 10.24 in Silkscreen 4,000 DKK
(584 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 06-15-2021 Petites Scènes Familières 12.99 x 9.84 in Silkscreen 5,000 DKK
(730 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 09-28-2021 Petites Scènes Familières 12.99 x 9.84 in Silkscreen 5,000 DKK
(730 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 07-05-2022 Terre Habitée 15.75 x 11.42 in Silkscreen 5,000 DKK
(730 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 06-28-2022 Triology Tropic 17.72 x 12.20 in Silkscreen 6,000 DKK
(876 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 05-10-2022 Terre Habitée 15.75 x 11.42 in Silkscreen 6,000 DKK
(876 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-09-2021 L'amour Au Jour Le Jour 15.75 x 10.24 in Silkscreen 6,000 DKK
(876 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-09-2021 Sensualite Du Sensible 11.81 x 9.45 in Silkscreen 6,000 DKK
(876 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 06-15-2021 Quatre Petites Scènes D'été 14.57 x 10.63 in Silkscreen 6,000 DKK
(876 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 06-29-2021 Femme Entre Tigre Et Oiseau 23.62 x 30.71 in Silkscreen 6,000 DKK
(876 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-11-2022 Hymn Á L'été 12.99 x 15.75 in Silkscreen 6,000 DKK
(876 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-11-2022 Triology Tropic 17.72 x 12.20 in Silkscreen 6,000 DKK
(876 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-25-2022 Quatre Petites Scenes D'été 14.57 x 10.63 in Silkscreen 6,000 DKK
(876 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-27-2014 Afrikaanse Kinderen. 13.19 x 16.34 in Silkscreen 100 EUR
(109 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-27-2014 Natacha 13.98 x 11.02 in Silkscreen 100 EUR
(109 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-27-2014 Sower With Bird 12.01 x 12.40 in Silkscreen 100 EUR
(109 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 02-25-2008 Woman With Cat 15.75 x 19.69 in Silkscreen 1,200 EUR
(1,308 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-27-2014 Two Birds With A Woman's Head And A Masked Figure 17.52 x 14.37 in Silkscreen 150 EUR
(163 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-27-2014 Otello 17.32 x 14.17 in Silkscreen 150 EUR
(163 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-27-2014 Faubourg 18.90 x 22.05 in Silkscreen 150 EUR
(163 USD)

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