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Information for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen

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Auctioned pieces | 774 results are found | Page 26 of 26 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 58

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 04-03-2006 Etude D'élégants 13.98 x 20.87 in Charcoal Unsold
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 04-03-2006 Elégantes À La Plage 13.58 x 20.08 in Charcoal 3,145 USD
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 04-03-2006 Militaire À Cheval Et Bourgeois De Profil 13.78 x 20.08 in Crayon 1,258 USD
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 04-03-2006 Jeune Femme Assise De Profil 13.58 x 10.04 in Charcoal Unsold
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 04-03-2006 Deux Femmes Légérement De Profil 12.68 x 9.65 in Charcoal Unsold
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 04-03-2006 La Lecture 13.78 x 10.51 in Crayon 1,258 USD
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 04-03-2006 La Conversation 13.78 x 10.04 in Charcoal Unsold
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 04-03-2006 Ensemble De 2 Dessins 13.90 x 17.52 in Charcoal Unsold
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 04-03-2006 Ensemble De 2 Dessins 13.78 x 21.26 in Crayon 943 USD
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 03-31-2006 Chat 4.33 x 0 in Bronze 20,507 USD
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 03-23-2006 L'exode 12.87 x 20.16 in Crayon 8,828 USD
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 03-19-2006 Nu Allongé 12.60 x 23.23 in Painting Unsold
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 03-07-2006 Le Chemineau 25.87 x 19.96 in Lithograph Unsold
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 03-07-2006 Trois Etudes Des Femmes 15.04 x 11.02 in Crayon 1,400 USD
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 03-07-2006 Étude De Chat Et Figures 12.01 x 8.94 in Crayon 4,400 USD
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 03-07-2006 Chat 2.76 x 0 in Bronze 2,800 USD
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 03-07-2006 Deux Chats Sur Un Meuble 7.48 x 6.89 in Drypoint 3,200 USD
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 03-05-2006 L'aisne Devastee 44.75 x 30.50 in Lithograph 360 USD
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 01-28-2006 Man I Hög Hatt 5.71 x 3.35 in Ink Unsold
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 01-12-2006 Portrait De Jeune Fille 16.73 x 11.22 in Chalk 950 USD
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 12-14-2005 La Blanchesseuse 25.51 x 19.69 in Charcoal Unsold
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 12-10-2005 Scène De Rue À Paris, Ca. 1900 9.84 x 8.66 in Crayon Unsold
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 12-09-2005 Portrait Présumé De Verlaine 23.23 x 18.82 in Charcoal 2,050 USD
Hammer prices for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen Hammer prices and photo for Théophile Alexandre Steinlen 12-06-2005 Le Poivrot 16.14 x 11.81 in Ink 3,634 USD


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