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Information for Alfred Kubin

1877 Back
19 New search

Auctioned pieces | 541 results are found | Page 1 of 19 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 44

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 09-12-2011 "adalbert Stifter" 10.63 x 7.87 in Lithograph 296 USD
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 09-12-2011 "adolescence" And "desire For Freedom", 17.72 x 13.15 in Lithograph Unsold
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 03-10-2007 "ein Wirtshaus Am Donaustrand" 10.24 x 15.16 in Lithograph 230 USD
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 09-12-2011 "ice Rink" 10.24 x 9.06 in Lithograph Unsold
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 09-12-2011 "in A Bohemian Forest" 9.25 x 9.06 in Lithograph Unsold
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 09-12-2011 "in A Bohemian Forest" 9.25 x 9.06 in Lithograph Unsold
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 09-25-2010 "ix. Unfall" (der Tod Holt Ein Vom Fahrrad Gestürztes Mädchen) 15.75 x 11.22 in Color Lithograph 118 USD
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 09-12-2011 "man Hunted Ali Like A Wild Animal" And "ali Was Blinded", 17.72 x 13.15 in Lithograph Unsold
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 05-31-2006 "myrdun". 1944. 8.94 x 7.01 in Watercolor Unsold
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 07-14-2007 "neptun". 12.99 x 9.06 in Unknown Unsold
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 09-12-2011 "rough Night" 14.88 x 18.90 in Lithograph 986 USD
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 01-25-2011 "the Frozen Woman" 16.54 x 11.81 in Pencil 2,795 USD
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 05-08-2008 “ali, The Grey Stallion. Fortunes Of A Tatar Horse” 17.72 x 13.39 in Lithograph 1,602 USD
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 05-08-2008 “eve (the Fall)”, 1931 6.93 x 5.24 in Lithograph 416 USD
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 05-08-2008 “street Scene”, 1923 7.17 x 12.72 in Lithograph 448 USD
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 05-08-2008 “streetwalker” 14.96 x 11.42 in Lithograph Unsold
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 05-08-2008 “view Of The Town”, 1923 11.57 x 8.90 in Lithograph Unsold
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 05-08-2008 “weber Portfolio” 18.11 x 14.57 in Print Unsold
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 05-08-2008 “with Five” 11.30 x 14.80 in Lithograph 721 USD
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 11-25-2011 „böhmerwald Waldblösse“ 11.02 x 15.59 in Pen 5,617 USD
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 12-20-2012 1914 14.96 x 11.42 in Pen Unsold
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 02-27-2014 1914 14.96 x 11.42 in Pen Unsold
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 02-24-2015 1914 14.96 x 11.42 in Pencil Unsold
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 02-28-2007 20 Bilder Zur Bibel 12.80 x 10.83 in Photoengraving 7,690 USD
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 03-14-2008 3 Arbeiten 9.21 x 8.27 in Lithograph 256 USD
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 12-05-2014 44 Blätter: Verschiedene Motive 18.90 x 14.96 in Lithograph 10,689 USD
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 09-26-2012 A Dance Of Death - Leaves With Death 13.78 x 11.02 in Etching Unsold
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 12-17-2008 A Farewell To Youth 10.31 x 14.09 in Pencil 3,524 USD
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 03-10-2012 A Lethal Compact 12.60 x 10.24 in Lithograph 885 USD
Hammer prices for Alfred Kubin Hammer prices and photo for Alfred Kubin 09-11-2009 Abt Mit Kind 9.65 x 6.69 in Pencil Unsold
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