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Information for Max Klinger

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Auctioned pieces | 428 results are found | Page 2 of 15 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 10

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 12-02-2006 Amor Und Psyche - Opus V B 17.91 x 12.64 in Etching 4,991 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 12-09-2006 Amor Und Psyche (rad. Opus V). 14.76 x 10.83 in Aquatint Unsold
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 10-29-2010 Amor Und Psyche (zu Apuleius' Märchen, Opus V A + b) 16.73 x 12.40 in Etching 1,788 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 09-17-2011 Amor Und Psyche. Ein Märchen Des Apulejus 14.17 x 10.24 in Etching Unsold
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 11-06-2006 Amor Znajduje Psyche, Opus V, Pl. 41 10.04 x 6.85 in Pencil Unsold
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 02-22-2006 Amor Znajduje Psyche, Opus V, Pl. 41 10.04 x 6.85 in Color Lithograph Unsold
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 03-06-2009 Amor, Tod Und Jenseits 24.72 x 17.56 in Etching 119 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 03-31-2012 Amor, Tod Und Jenseits 7.87 x 16.73 in Aquatint 249 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 05-14-2011 An Die Schönheit 16.34 x 12.52 in Etching 763 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 05-29-2010 An Die Schönheit 22.24 x 16.73 in Photograph 59 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 10-28-2014 Apuleius 13.86 x 9.92 in Engraving 1,375 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 04-26-2012 Arbeiter - Wohlstand - Schönheit 12.99 x 10.24 in Chalk 1,808 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 12-06-2013 Athlet 72.64 x 0 in Bronze 176,555 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 05-17-2013 Auf Den Schienen 10.39 x 7.56 in Drypoint 526 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 12-08-2007 Auf Den Schienen. 10.35 x 7.48 in Etching 1,025 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 11-20-2011 Aus Dem Schrifter Der K. Sachs Commission Fur Beschnichte 9.06 x 7.28 in Etching 1,973 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 10-29-2010 Badende, Die Sich Im Wasser Spiegelt 39.76 x 12.20 x 14.76 in Bronze 32,525 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 05-05-2012 Badende, Die Sich Im Wasser Spiegelt 24.61 x 7.87 x 9.84 in Bronze Unsold
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 12-03-2009 Badendes Mädchen 15.75 x 5.51 x 4.53 in Bronze Unsold
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 10-24-2009 Badendes Mädchen, Sich Im Wasser Spiegelnd 10.43 x 0 in Bronze 4,435 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 06-09-2012 Bergsturz 16.54 x 11.26 in Aquatint Unsold
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 10-29-2010 BrahmS-Phantasie 14.37 x 17.32 in Etching 23,654 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 03-03-2011 BrahmS--Phantasie, Opus Xii. 14.37 x 17.13 in Etching 5,400 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 10-29-2010 Brustbild Einer Jungen Frau Vor Dunklem Hintergrund 16.73 x 12.40 in Unknown 591 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 06-08-2013 By The Sea 24.61 x 17.56 in Etching 249 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 06-16-2012 Bär Und Elfe 15.55 x 8.86 in Etching 223 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 03-31-2012 Bär Und Elfe 16.14 x 11.02 in Aquatint 342 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 09-11-2009 Bär Und Elfe 15.75 x 9.06 in Engraving 140 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 12-09-2006 Bär Und Elfe 16.42 x 11.30 in Etching 128 USD
Hammer prices for Max Klinger Hammer prices and photo for Max Klinger 10-29-2010 Bär Und Elfe (aus Intermezzi) 16.54 x 11.26 in Etching 413 USD
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