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Art auction result for Max Ernst

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Auctioned pieces | 2,908 results are found | Page 52 of 97 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 82

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 10-24-2008 Trois Oiseaux 13.46 x 15.35 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 10-24-2008 Ohne Titel 7.83 x 5.43 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 10-24-2008 Papier Peint (tapete) 17.28 x 13.19 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 10-24-2008 Si Le Chant Et La Parade Ne Suffisent Pas 12.01 x 9.88 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 10-24-2008 Par Dessus Les Moulins 10.63 x 7.87 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 10-24-2008 Étoile De Mer 16.73 x 10.51 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 10-24-2008 Rythmes 16.65 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 10-24-2008 Un Chant D'amour 12.44 x 9.72 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 10-24-2008 Deux Oiseaux 22.24 x 30.39 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 10-24-2008 Mon Fiancé Est Une Idée Saugrenue. 1975. 12.01 x 10.04 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 10-18-2008 Inventar Und Widerspruch 12.80 x 9.65 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 10-16-2008 Le Roi, La Reine, Le Fou 5.91 x 3.54 x 11.42 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 10-16-2008 Untitled 12.60 x 9.65 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 10-11-2008 L'oiseau Caramel (1969) 15.94 x 11.34 in Lithograph 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 10-06-2008 Xxième Siècle 12.20 x 9.45 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 10-01-2008 Il Pleut 9.45 x 7.87 in Color Lithograph 1,200 CHF
(1,341 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 09-30-2008 Untitled 25.39 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 09-24-2008 Komposition - Der Spieler - Lustige Logik. 3 bl 12.99 x 9.65 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 09-22-2008 Komposition 12.28 x 9.21 in Lithograph 3,000 SEK
(285 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 09-18-2008 Hommage À Rimbaud 8.23 x 6.34 in Etching 3,000 USD
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 09-07-2008 Histoire Naturelle 17.00 x 10.75 in Lithograph 2,500 USD
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 08-23-2008 Le Grand Ignorant (paravent) 72.44 x 64.57 in Painting 12,000 EUR
(13,080 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 07-31-2008 Une Semaine De Bonté Ou Les Sept Éléments Capitaux, Jeanne Bucher, Paris, 1934 (not In S. & L.) 10.98 x 9.02 in Collage 3,000 USD
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 07-28-2008 Aberwitz Und FünF-UhR-Tee 12.60 x 9.45 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 07-12-2008 Surrealistische Darstellung 12.99 x 9.45 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst 07-03-2008 Portrait D'andré Breton 12.99 x 10.24 in Chalk 50,000 EUR
(54,500 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst 07-03-2008 Chéri Bibi 13.19 x 0 in Bronze 18,000 EUR
(19,620 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst 07-02-2008 Oiseau Noire Suivi D'une Femme Blanche Et D'un Soleil Rouge 9.06 x 12.76 in Oil 80,000 EUR
(87,200 USD)
Hammer prices for Max Ernst Hammer prices and photo for Max Ernst 06-29-2008 Un Chant D'amour, 1958 12.50 x 9.60 in
Hammer prices for Max Ernst 06-26-2008 École Pour Un Équilibriste 17.52 x 14.96 in Oil 120,000 GBP
(155,760 USD)

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