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Art auction result for Emil Bizer

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Auctioned pieces | 72 results are found | Page 3 of 3 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 15

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer 03-23-2012 Stillleben Mit Topfpflanze, Obst Und Flasche 18.90 x 23.23 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 06-16-2012 Studie, Staufens Üppige Landschaft (sketch, Landscape Of Staufen) 16.93 x 26.38 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer 06-16-2012 Studienblatt Mit Vier Hyänen. 5.91 x 9.06 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 05-21-2007 Taubenhaus 9.84 x 13.39 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 06-04-2011 Two Landscapes 4.13 x 4.33 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer 03-22-2014 UnterseE-Landschaft 9.84 x 7.87 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 06-16-2012 View Across Oberweiler. 28.15 x 31.69 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 06-16-2012 View Across The Kaiserstuhl 16.14 x 25.20 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer 10-28-2006 Vor Schneebedeckter Gebirgskulisse Kahler Baum Mit Weit Gefächerten Ästen 9.45 x 12.80 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 11-29-2007 Vögisheim Beim Feldberg. Idyllische Sommerliche Dorfszene Mit Blick Auf Südseite Der Kirche. 16.14 x 20.47 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 05-14-2009 Winter 5.71 x 8.86 in
Hammer prices for Emil Bizer Hammer prices and photo for Emil Bizer 06-30-2014 Winterliche Partie Im Markgräflerland. 8.66 x 13.19 in
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