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Art auction result for Ferdinand Gehr

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Auctioned pieces | 225 results are found | Page 4 of 8 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 5

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 11-26-2014 Durchblick 13.78 x 13.58 in Woodcut 1,200 CHF
(1,341 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 11-15-2004 Durchbruch 5.71 x 5.71 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 04-24-2015 Einsam 17.91 x 17.83 in Watercolor 500 CHF
(559 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 11-26-2014 Entwurf Für Ein Kirchenfenster 23.62 x 10.47 in Watercolor 1,600 CHF
(1,788 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 11-26-2014 Entwurf Für Kirchenfenster Franziskanerkirche Altstätten 19.80 x 7.24 in Watercolor 1,500 CHF
(1,677 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 03-07-2008 Entwurf Zu Wandteppich. Kapelle Krankenhaus Appenzell, 1962. 13.39 x 13.39 in Pastel 4,500 CHF
(5,031 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 12-04-2008 Epr. D?artiste 25.79 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 05-08-2009 Erlösung 35.43 x 43.31 in Tempera 30,000 CHF
(33,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 11-04-2005 Eucharistie 18.11 x 13.78 in Painting 10,000 CHF
(11,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 03-07-2008 Eucharistie Als Mahl. 1957. 21.26 x 38.98 in Painting 12,000 CHF
(13,416 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 05-21-2008 Eucharistische Szene 9.84 x 23.43 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 05-05-2006 Eucharistischer Christus. 38.98 x 11.42 in Tempera 7,000 CHF
(7,826 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 03-07-2008 Eucharistischer Christus. Studie Zu Chorwand Der Kirche St. Michael In Luzern. 1979. 25.20 x 17.32 in Watercolor 10,000 CHF
(11,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 11-05-2014 Feldlandschaft Mit Schloss Watt In Mörschwil. 17.72 x 17.72 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 11-06-2013 Feldlandschaft Mit Schloss Watt In Mörschwil. 17.72 x 17.72 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 09-11-2007 Ferdinand Gehr – Eine Monographie 9.06 x 68.90 in Unknown 600 CHF
(670 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 04-24-2015 Figur Am See. 14.17 x 19.49 in Watercolor 2,800 CHF
(3,130 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 12-09-2011 Flowers. 19.76 x 22.36 in Watercolor 12,000 CHF
(13,416 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 10-30-2009 Frauenschuh In Vase. 1948. 16.54 x 10.63 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 10-31-2008 Frauenschuh In Vase. 1948. 16.54 x 10.63 in Watercolor 80,000 CHF
(89,440 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 05-05-2006 Fresko 18.11 x 13.78 in Painting 7,000 CHF
(7,826 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 05-17-2006 Früchte 15.75 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 05-17-2006 Früchte 15.75 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 06-08-2007 Frühlingsblumen. 10.63 x 16.14 in Watercolor 10,000 CHF
(11,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 03-07-2008 Frühlingsblumen. 1959. 20.47 x 16.14 in Watercolor 20,000 CHF
(22,360 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 05-04-2012 Frühlingslandschaft 39.37 x 47.24 in Tempera 48,000 CHF
(53,664 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 10-31-2008 Frühlingswiese. 1973. 43.31 x 36.22 in Tempera 60,000 CHF
(67,080 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 11-04-2005 Gartenbeet Mit Dahlien 16.54 x 20.87 in Watercolor 12,000 CHF
(13,416 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 05-14-2014 Gartenblumen. 16.14 x 16.14 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 05-08-2009 Gelbe Und Rote Tulpen. 1984. 20.47 x 16.14 in Watercolor 15,000 CHF
(16,770 USD)
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