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Art auction result for Ferdinand Gehr

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Auctioned pieces | 225 results are found | Page 7 of 8 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 5

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 05-14-2014 Rose Orange 8.27 x 5.91 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 05-04-2012 Rosen 35.43 x 31.50 in Tempera 25,000 CHF
(27,950 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 12-04-2008 Rosen 19.84 x 25.98 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 04-09-2009 Rosen 19.84 x 25.98 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 10-31-2008 Rote Tulpen Mit Frühlingsblumen. 1954. 12.20 x 9.45 in Watercolor 4,000 CHF
(4,472 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 04-24-2015 Rote Und Gelbe Tulpen 20.47 x 16.14 in Watercolor 6,500 CHF
(7,267 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 11-26-2014 Schneeberge 12.60 x 12.17 in Woodcut 1,200 CHF
(1,341 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 04-24-2015 Schneeberge 13.27 x 12.40 in Woodcut 500 CHF
(559 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 04-24-2015 Schneeglöckchen Und Primeln 27.56 x 19.69 in Woodcut 500 CHF
(559 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 03-07-2008 Schneeglöckchen. Vorarbeit Zum Holzschnitt. Um 1973. 11.81 x 11.81 in Watercolor 14,000 CHF
(15,652 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 11-22-2004 Schneeglöcklein Und Primeln 19.29 x 25.20 in Color Woodcut 1,300 CHF
(1,453 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 11-04-2005 Selige Im Himmel Vereint. Entwurf Zu Chorwand St. Josef, Merzig / Saar 13.78 x 21.26 in Painting 9,000 CHF
(10,062 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 06-08-2007 Sommerblumen 23.23 x 16.54 in Watercolor 14,000 CHF
(15,652 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 05-04-2012 Sonnenblumen 5.12 x 7.48 in Watercolor 1,500 CHF
(1,677 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 10-30-2009 Sonnenblumen. 1985. 24.80 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 03-07-2008 Sonnengesang Des Heiligen Franziskus Von Assisi. 23.23 x 10.24 in Watercolor 7,000 CHF
(7,826 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 09-11-2007 Stehender Christus 27.56 x 8.86 in Pastel 2,000 CHF
(2,236 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 12-10-2007 Stehender Christus. 27.56 x 8.86 in Unknown 670 EUR
(730 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 11-04-2005 Taglilie 10.24 x 10.24 in Watercolor 6,500 CHF
(7,267 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 12-09-2011 The Kiss. 35.43 x 40.16 in Tempera 35,000 CHF
(39,130 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr 05-02-2004 Triptychon 19.29 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 10-30-2009 Tulpe. 1956. 18.90 x 11.81 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 10-31-2008 Tulpen In Frühlingsbeet. 1978. 20.08 x 25.59 in Watercolor 16,000 CHF
(17,888 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 10-31-2008 Tulpen Und Pensées. 1968. 25.59 x 19.69 in Watercolor 14,000 CHF
(15,652 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 12-10-2007 Tulpen Und Vergissmeinnicht. 16.34 x 11.22 in Unknown 2,670 EUR
(2,910 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 10-31-2008 Tulpen Und Vergissmeinnicht. 15.35 x 11.02 in Watercolor 6,500 CHF
(7,267 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 11-05-2014 Tulpen. 20.47 x 16.14 in
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 10-31-2008 Tulpen. 1980. 25.59 x 19.69 in Watercolor 12,000 CHF
(13,416 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 03-07-2008 Tulpen. 1984. 20.47 x 16.14 in Watercolor 20,000 CHF
(22,360 USD)
Hammer prices for Ferdinand Gehr Hammer prices and photo for Ferdinand Gehr 05-08-2009 Tulpen. 1985. 16.54 x 23.23 in Watercolor 16,000 CHF
(17,888 USD)
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