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Art auction result for Marc Chagall

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Auctioned pieces | 13,124 results are found | Page 272 of 438 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 399

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 06-06-2007 Le Bouquet Vert Et Violet. 1959. 16.93 x 22.20 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 03-06-2007 Daphnis Et Gnathon 16.93 x 12.87 in Color Lithograph 50,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 11-02-2006 Four Tales From The Arabian Nights (m. 36-48; C. Bks. 18) 16.93 x 12.95 in Lithograph 300,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 11-29-2007 Le Massacre Des Prétendants, From L'odyssée Ii (m. 822) 16.93 x 12.80 in Color Lithograph 600 GBP
(778 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 05-03-2007 L'odyssée 16.93 x 12.99 in Lithograph 75,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 10-27-2006 Le Bouquet Noir 16.93 x 12.20 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 04-28-2006 Odyssey 16.93 x 12.99 in Color Lithograph 120,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 03-07-2006 Bethsabée Au Bain 16.93 x 13.46 in Lithograph 6,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 04-29-2011 L'odyssee (m. 749-830; C. Bks 96) 16.93 x 12.99 in Unknown 50,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 02-16-2011 Abdullah From Arabian Nights (mourlot 43) 16.93 x 12.95 in Lithograph 3,000 GBP
(3,894 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 02-13-2011 Le Nu Couronne 16.93 x 12.60 in Lithograph 4,000 GBP
(5,192 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 04-26-2012 Four  Tales  From  The  Arabian  Nights:  Plate  1  (mourlot  36) 16.93 x 12.99 in Lithograph 35,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 12-06-2011 Le Bouquet Vert Et Violet (m.226) 16.93 x 22.05 in Lithograph 9,000 GBP
(11,682 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 03-08-2012 Femme Oiseau 16.93 x 22.05 in Color Lithograph 5,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 07-11-2012 Le Peintre Ailé (mourlot 1043) 16.93 x 13.39 in Lithograph 3,000 GBP
(3,894 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 05-26-2011 Polyphème 16.93 x 25.98 in Color Lithograph 1,200 EUR
(1,308 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 06-08-2011 Le Bouquet Vert Et Violet 16.93 x 22.36 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-24-2011 Der Maler 16.93 x 12.99 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 11-28-2007 FemmE-Oiseau 16.93 x 22.05 in Lithograph 4,500 GBP
(5,841 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 06-17-2009 Le Bouquet Vert Et Violet 16.93 x 22.36 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 05-13-2009 FemmE-Oiseau 16.93 x 22.05 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 12-05-2008 Femme Oiseau 16.93 x 22.05 in Color Lithograph 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 04-30-2009 Daphnis Et Gnathon 16.93 x 12.80 in Color Lithograph 22,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 03-20-2009 Le Peintre 16.93 x 12.20 in Lithograph 200,000 JPY
(1,200 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 04-21-2009 Cirkuszban 16.93 x 23.23 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 04-25-2009 Then He Spent The Night With Her Embracing And Clipping', Nr 3 Ur 'four Tales From The Arabian Nights'. 16.93 x 12.99 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 09-09-2021 Bouquet Pour Fernand 16.93 x 12.99 in Lithograph 3,000 DKK
(438 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 07-14-2015 Xxe Siecle (mourlot 699) 16.93 x 22.05 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 05-04-2021 “polyphème”, Plate 12 From Series L'odysée 16.93 x 25.59 in Lithograph 4,000 DKK
(584 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 10-25-2023 Le Petit Bouquet De Lys (mourlot 909) 16.93 x 12.60 in Color Lithograph 12,000 ZAR
(660 USD)

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