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Art auction result for Marc Chagall

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Auctioned pieces | 13,124 results are found | Page 382 of 438 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 399

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 11-07-2009 L'arC-En Ciel 27.36 x 27.36 in Lithograph 3,000,000 JPY
(18,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 05-02-2011 L'oiseau Vert. 27.36 x 20.67 in Lithograph 300 EUR
(327 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 10-02-2008 The Rainbow (m. 596) 27.36 x 27.32 in Lithograph 18,000 GBP
(23,364 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 11-01-2005 L'arC-EN-Ciel 27.36 x 27.36 in Color Lithograph 200,000 SEK
(19,000 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 11-03-2005 L'arC-EN-Ciel 27.36 x 27.36 in Color Lithograph 50,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 01-20-2005 Révolution 27.36 x 25.00 in Color Lithograph 150 EUR
(163 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 11-02-2004 L`arC-EN-Ciel 27.36 x 27.36 in Color Lithograph 300,000 SEK
(28,500 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 04-24-2007 "l'arC-EN-Ciel" 27.36 x 27.36 in Lithograph 160,000 SEK
(15,200 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 12-16-2005 Nach Bouquet De Fleurs 27.36 x 22.44 in Color Offset 1,600 CHF
(1,788 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 09-20-2006 The Rainbow 27.36 x 27.32 in Color Lithograph 18,000 GBP
(23,364 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 03-29-2006 The Rainbow 27.40 x 27.40 in Color Lithograph 18,000 GBP
(23,364 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 04-27-2010 L'arC-EN-Ciel (m. 596) 27.40 x 27.40 in Lithograph 35,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 03-28-2018 Marc Chagall´´ À  La Galerie Nierendorf 27.40 x 18.11 in Unknown 800 EUR
(872 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 05-08-2013 Pendule Au Ciel Embrasé 27.44 x 12.01 in Oil 750,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 06-25-2009 Pendule Au Ciel Embrasé 27.44 x 12.01 in Oil 120,000 GBP
(155,760 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 02-11-2006 Der Grüne Vogel 27.44 x 20.83 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 04-26-2005 Le Cantique Des Cantiques 27.44 x 21.06 in Color Lithograph 80,000 SEK
(7,600 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 11-04-2005 Plakat Für Die Stadt Vence 27.44 x 24.80 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 10-31-2006 The Rainbow (m. 596) 27.48 x 27.36 in Color Lithograph 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 05-15-2011 L'arc En Ciel 27.48 x 27.48 in Color Lithograph 30,000 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 05-06-2006 Four Seasons 27.50 x 23.50 in Lithograph 200 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 03-26-2006 Unknown 27.50 x 20.50 in Poster 300 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 10-28-2007 Serenade 27.50 x 20.00 in Color Lithograph 200 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 10-28-2007 The Bride 27.50 x 21.00 in Color Lithograph 150 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 02-08-2007 Autoportrait 27.50 x 22.30 in Crayon 80,000 GBP
(103,840 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 01-08-2005 Untitled 27.50 x 20.00 in Reproduction 250 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 10-22-2013 Couple In Ochre 27.50 x 21.50 in
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall 02-23-2015 Bouquet De Fleurs 27.50 x 22.50 in Lithograph 800 USD
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 10-21-2010 Offering Of Flowers, 1964 [mourlot, 417] 27.52 x 19.02 in Color Lithograph 7,000 CAD
(5,131 USD)
Hammer prices for Marc Chagall Hammer prices and photo for Marc Chagall 09-21-2010 L´oiseau Vert 27.56 x 20.87 in

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