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Art auction result for Wilhelm Rudolph

1889 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 238 results are found | Page 5 of 8 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 20

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 04-28-2007 Rast. 10.83 x 15.75 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 04-28-2007 Das Ende. 9.65 x 15.63 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 04-28-2007 Waldweg. 18.11 x 22.24 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 10-27-2007 Wasserbüffel. 9.06 x 11.02 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 10-27-2007 Baum Im Frühling. 16.93 x 19.09 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 10-27-2007 Bär. 12.05 x 15.75 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 10-27-2007 Leopard. 19.49 x 25.71 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 10-27-2007 Liegender Stier. 9.17 x 12.20 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 10-27-2007 Lager An Der Elbe. 9.84 x 16.22 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 10-27-2007 Blick Zur Sophienkirche i. 14.33 x 17.64 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 10-27-2007 Kopf Eines Alten Mannes. 14.17 x 10.43 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph 12-01-2007 ArbeiterkopF- Portrait Eines Schuhmachers 13.39 x 9.65 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph 04-26-2008 Junge Hyäne. 9.06 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph 04-26-2008 Landschaft Mit Ziegelei. 15.35 x 17.80 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph 04-26-2008 Drei Weibliche Akte Vor Vollmond. 18.31 x 18.78 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 05-23-2008 Hügelige Landschaft 12.99 x 17.32 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 05-31-2008 Zwei Weibliche Akte 19.69 x 24.61 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 03-15-2008 Bildnis Einer Jungen Frau Im Gestreiften Kleid. 35.43 x 25.39 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 03-15-2008 Sitzender Schäferhund 9.25 x 5.91 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 03-15-2008 Drei Weibliche Akte 15.75 x 19.88 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 03-15-2008 Einladung Des Schloßmuseums Gotha/neujahrskarte. 3.74 x 4.92 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 06-14-2008 Zwei Stehende Weibliche Akte 24.45 x 18.11 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 06-14-2008 Liegendes Rind 19.21 x 25.24 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 09-20-2008 Bildnis Einer Jungen Frau. Um 1960 45.28 x 37.40 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 09-20-2008 Bildnis Einer Dame Mit Perlenkette Und Buch. Späte 1950's 34.65 x 24.96 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 09-20-2008 Drei Weibliche Akte. 1960's 15.94 x 20.08 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 10-18-2008 Dresden, Brühlsche Terrasse 16.73 x 25.59 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 10-18-2008 Zerstörte Stadt. Wohl Aus Der Folge "dresden 1945" 12.80 x 18.11 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 11-28-2008 Unknown 9.25 x 10.83 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 12-06-2008 Hofansicht. No Date. 15.35 x 19.45 in
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