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Art auction result for Wilhelm Rudolph

1889 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 238 results are found | Page 8 of 8 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 20

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 06-14-2014 Landschaft Mit Weidezaun 12.99 x 17.13 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 06-14-2014 Landschaft Mit Grabsteine Unter Bäumen. 12.99 x 17.13 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph 05-21-2014 Männerporträt. 19.49 x 15.75 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph 05-21-2014 Sitzende Frauenaktgruppe. 18.90 x 18.50 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph 09-28-2013 Ostseeküste 23.62 x 17.13 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph 03-15-2014 Ansicht Von Schloss Schönfeld. 9.21 x 12.68 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 09-13-2014 Sitzender Akt, Nach Vorn Gebeugt 16.42 x 11.93 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 09-13-2014 Reiter Am Heiderand 17.91 x 23.94 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 09-13-2014 582 Wilhelm Rudolph, Frontaler Weiblicher Und Aufgestützt Stehender Männlicher Akt 26.57 x 18.50 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 09-13-2014 Zwei Wasserbüffel 16.14 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 09-13-2014 Stehender Akt Einer Jungen Frau 23.74 x 12.80 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 09-27-2014 Dresden Frauenkirche Mit Rathausturm 11.61 x 16.54 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 09-27-2014 Eisenbahntrasse 19.09 x 23.03 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 11-06-2014 An Der Elbe - Schloss Pillnitz 13.58 x 20.87 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 12-06-2014 Reh 13.70 x 11.77 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph 12-06-2014 Sitzender Weiblicher Akt 24.61 x 18.31 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 12-06-2014 "eisenbahnstrecke" (auch: Eisenbahn) 19.49 x 24.02 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 12-06-2014 Drei Weibliche Akte 17.72 x 24.57 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 12-06-2014 Gewitterlandschaft 13.66 x 16.14 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 03-14-2015 Dresden - Blick Auf Das Sächsische Finanzministerium Von Der Altstädter Seite 15.35 x 22.91 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 03-14-2015 Auf Der Landstraße 7.09 x 17.52 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 03-14-2015 Sitzender Akt 16.42 x 11.93 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 03-14-2015 Sitzender Weiblicher Akt 19.69 x 15.75 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 03-14-2015 Zwei Liegende Ziegen 5.20 x 7.28 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 03-14-2015 Liegendes Rind 11.81 x 15.75 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 03-14-2015 Gewitterlandschaft 17.32 x 23.62 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 03-14-2015 Weiblicher Akt Und Seitenprofil Eines Mannes 16.81 x 8.86 in
Hammer prices for Wilhelm Rudolph Hammer prices and photo for Wilhelm Rudolph 05-30-2015 Lumpensammler 15.55 x 18.90 in
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