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Art auction result for Arno Breker

1900 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 253 results are found | Page 3 of 9 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 32

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 12-02-2006 Saint George 17.91 x 15.16 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 12-02-2006 Diana 22.83 x 17.72 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 06-02-2007 Kopf Eines Knaben. Um 1956. 3.82 x 2.44 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 06-09-2007 Liegender Weiblicher Akt 8.86 x 18.90 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 09-29-2007 Knieender Weiblicher Akt 11.42 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 05-10-2007 In Erwartung 11.81 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 10-27-2007 Sitzender Männlicher Akt. 7.09 x 5.31 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 10-26-2007 Grazie. 1978. 9.84 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 10-26-2007 Sinnende. 1980. 13.78 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 10-13-2007 Knieender Weiblicher Akt 14.33 x 10.04 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 12-06-2007 Junge Venus 10.63 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 12-14-2007 Weiblicher Akt, Sitzend 14.17 x 12.01 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 12-14-2007 Weiblicher Akt, Sitzend 14.06 x 11.22 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 04-19-2008 Sitzender Männlicher Akt. 7.09 x 5.51 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 04-19-2008 Die Erwartung 11.22 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 04-30-2008 Der Morgen 31.50 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 04-30-2008 Aufschauende 50.39 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 04-05-2008 Porträtkopf Jean Cocteau 13.78 x 0 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 05-27-2008 Sitting Female Nude 14.29 x 11.81 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 05-27-2008 Heiliger Christopherus 21.06 x 12.20 x 3.15 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 05-27-2008 BerbeR-Löwe 8.66 x 14.17 x 3.15 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 05-27-2008 Demut 21.65 x 6.30 x 4.72 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 12-05-2008 Kniender Akt (kurtisane) 12.01 x 18.90 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 03-27-2009 Sitzender Weiblicher Akt 20.08 x 14.37 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 03-27-2009 Zwei Weibliche Akte Mit Hinter Den Köpfen Verschränkten Armen 19.88 x 12.60 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 04-09-2009 Christopherus 6.69 x 4.21 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 04-24-2009 Hände, Ein Buch Haltend 15.75 x 19.69 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 04-24-2009 Porträt Eines Jungen Mannes 20.47 x 13.39 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 04-24-2009 Paar 10.24 x 12.20 in
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 04-25-2009 Unknown 10.04 x 0 in
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