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Art auction result for Arno Breker

1900 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 253 results are found | Page 8 of 9 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 32

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 12-03-2008 Portrait Alfred Cortot 11.22 x 9.84 x 12.60 in Bronze 5,000 EUR
(5,450 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 12-03-2009 Liegende 10.24 x 20.47 x 7.87 in Bronze 5,300 EUR
(5,777 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 06-11-2005 Torso Der Siegerin 13.39 x 0 in Bronze 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 11-28-2013 David 18.90 x 3.94 x 7.87 in Bronze 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 06-06-2013 Torso Des Sitzenden Mannes 9.06 x 0 in Bronze 6,000 EUR
(6,540 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 05-22-2012 Romanichel 11.57 x 0 in Bronze 7,000 EUR
(7,630 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 12-03-2008 Torso Des David 18.90 x 5.12 x 7.87 in Bronze 7,000 EUR
(7,630 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 06-10-2010 Ohne Titel. 27.95 x 0 in Bronze 7,500 EUR
(8,175 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 06-06-2013 Junges Europa. Der Schwimmer Walter Kusch 27.95 x 0 in Bronze 8,500 EUR
(9,265 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 10-11-2008 Vrouwelijk Naakt 13.98 x 9.65 in Charcoal 800 EUR
(872 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 04-28-2004 Portrait De Jean Cocteau 20.28 x 13.19 in Color Lithograph 150 EUR
(163 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 12-14-2014 Nu Féminin 8.27 x 11.02 in Drawing 500 EUR
(545 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 10-24-2012 Nu Couché 13.78 x 19.69 in Drawing 800 EUR
(872 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 09-20-2013 Kniender, Weiblicher Akt 17.72 x 12.99 in Etching 150 EUR
(163 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 09-20-2013 Weiblicher Akt 12.20 x 12.99 in Etching 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 11-11-2004 Tänzer 51.18 x 0 in Gypsum 9,000 EUR
(9,810 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 05-05-2006 Nu Debout 18.31 x 11.61 in Ink 400 EUR
(436 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 03-28-2021 Homme Secourant Une Femme 14.17 x 11.42 in Ink 500 EUR
(545 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 03-28-2021 Trois Baigneuses (der Kuss) 11.22 x 14.57 in Ink 500 EUR
(545 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 03-23-2012 Frauenakt 14.29 x 10.79 in Ink 5,000 EUR
(5,450 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 09-20-2013 Weiblicher Akt Mit Goldkugel 19.69 x 25.59 in Lithograph 150 EUR
(163 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 03-28-2021 Pâris Et Hélène 11.02 x 9.84 in Lithograph 150 EUR
(163 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 03-28-2021 Femme Allongée, Jambe Repliée 12.60 x 21.26 in Lithograph 150 EUR
(163 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 09-20-2013 Konvolut Mit Grafischen Arbeiten 5.71 x 4.13 in Lithograph 1,500 EUR
(1,635 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 04-22-2005 Portrait De Jean Cocteau 127.17 x 83.46 in Lithograph 200 EUR
(218 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 03-17-2005 Portrait De Jean Cocteau 19.29 x 12.60 in Lithograph 300 EUR
(327 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 05-26-2011 Urteil Des Paris 5.20 x 6.61 in Lithograph 800 EUR
(872 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 04-12-2014 Reclining Female Nude 14.00 x 21.00 in Lithograph 700 USD
Hammer prices for Arno Breker Hammer prices and photo for Arno Breker 06-03-2006 Romanichel 11.81 x 0 in Marble 4,500 EUR
(4,905 USD)
Hammer prices for Arno Breker 11-29-2002 Ninette 9.84 x 0 in Mixed Media 2,976 USD
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