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Art auction result for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo)

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Auctioned pieces | 3,606 results are found | Page 106 of 121 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 241

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-05-2019 Composition With Woman 37.40 x 37.40 in Serigraph 3,000 DKK
(438 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 01-07-2014 Two Compositions 11.81 x 8.66 in Serigraph 3,000 DKK
(438 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 04-24-2018 Doux Repos, Tendre Dialogue Avec L´oiseau, Femme Altière 16.14 x 10.63 in Serigraph 4,000 DKK
(584 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 03-10-2008 Composition With Birds And Girl 47.24 x 57.09 in Serigraph 940 EUR
(1,024 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 12-29-2007 Dopo L'unicorno, 1990 23.62 x 21.06 in Serigraph 1,000 EUR
(1,090 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 06-14-2010 Femme Entre Tigre Et Oiseau 23.62 x 30.91 in Serigraph 1,000 EUR
(1,090 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 06-14-2010 Soleil Cou Coupé - Hommage À Aimé Césaire 24.02 x 32.28 in Serigraph 1,000 EUR
(1,090 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 05-13-2009 Dopo L'unicorno, 1990 23.62 x 21.06 in Serigraph 1,000 EUR
(1,090 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 09-09-2009 Senza Titolo, 1973 25.59 x 19.69 in Serigraph 1,000 EUR
(1,090 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 06-02-2008 Féerie Breseillenne 57.09 x 59.06 in Serigraph 1,300 EUR
(1,417 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 11-27-2014 Dialogue Avec L'oiseau. 16.34 x 13.98 in Serigraph 150 EUR
(163 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 05-25-2012 Hommage À Verdi 17.32 x 14.17 in Serigraph 150 EUR
(163 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 06-23-2008 Oiseau Né D'un Paysage, 1999 21.85 x 26.57 in Serigraph 200 EUR
(218 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 03-10-2007 Pinocchio (1973-1988) 27.56 x 39.37 in Serigraph 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-09-2013 Senza Titolo 24.61 x 20.47 in Serigraph 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-09-2013 Senza Titolo 25.59 x 20.47 in Serigraph 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 01-16-2018 Eros 20.08 x 15.75 in Serigraph 2,000 EUR
(2,180 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 05-25-2012 Cubana 18.90 x 13.78 in Serigraph 250 EUR
(272 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-20-2008 Deux Oiseaux, 2001 27.95 x 21.85 in Serigraph 300 EUR
(327 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-20-2008 Princesse A La Pomme, 1998 28.35 x 20.08 in Serigraph 300 EUR
(327 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 03-05-2006 Sans Titre 37.40 x 11.81 in Serigraph 3,000 EUR
(3,270 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-25-2014 Deux Fois Un Chien 27.28 x 19.29 in Serigraph 3,000 EUR
(3,270 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-25-2014 Indifférente 27.28 x 19.69 in Serigraph 3,000 EUR
(3,270 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-27-2006 Le Paradis Terrestre 37.40 x 59.06 in Serigraph 3,200 EUR
(3,488 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 06-03-2009 Le Monde Des Fables De Charles Perrault 39.57 x 27.56 in Serigraph 3,500 EUR
(3,815 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-20-2008 Femme Au Tigre, 1996 21.65 x 27.56 in Serigraph 400 EUR
(436 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 10-20-2008 L'amour Au Jour Le Jour, 1997 15.75 x 10.24 in Serigraph 400 EUR
(436 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 04-27-2010 Femme Au Chat Et À L’oiseau 13.78 x 15.35 in Serigraph 400 EUR
(436 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 04-25-2009 Sans Titre [oiseau] 28.35 x 38.58 in Serigraph 400 EUR
(436 USD)
Hammer prices for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) Hammer prices and photo for Corneille (guillaume Van Beverloo) 03-25-2007 ) Le Monde De Fable De Charles Perrault, 1977 47.24 x 94.49 in Serigraph 4,000 EUR
(4,360 USD)

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