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Art auction result for John Gould

1804 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 420 results are found | Page 5 of 14 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 3

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for John Gould 12-13-2009 Platycercus Flaviventris (yelloW-Bellied Parrakeet) 19.88 x 13.19 in Lithograph 2,500 AUD
(1,695 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 12-13-2009 Eclectus Riedeli (riedel's Parrot) 19.69 x 13.19 in Lithograph 2,500 AUD
(1,695 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 06-16-2005 Platycercus Baueri 19.49 x 12.99 in Lithograph 2,500 AUD
(1,695 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 06-16-2005 Platycercus Icterotis 20.08 x 13.58 in Lithograph 2,500 AUD
(1,695 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 06-16-2005 Platycercus Semitorquatus 20.08 x 13.58 in Lithograph 2,500 AUD
(1,695 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 06-16-2005 Polytelis Melanura 20.08 x 13.58 in Lithograph 2,500 AUD
(1,695 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 06-16-2005 Trichoglossus Rubritorquis (reD-Collared Lorikeet) 20.08 x 13.58 in Lithograph 2,500 AUD
(1,695 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 10-23-2014 Lestris Catarrhactes 14.17 x 21.26 in Lithograph 260 AUD
(176 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 12-05-2011 Jardines Campephaga 19.69 x 13.39 in Lithograph 300 AUD
(203 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 12-05-2011 Harmonious Colluricincla 19.69 x 13.39 in Lithograph 300 AUD
(203 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Myzomela Obscura (obscure HoneY-Eater) A304 21.46 x 14.17 in Lithograph 300 AUD
(203 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Notornis Mantelli (the Takahe) A676 20.87 x 26.77 in Lithograph 3,000 AUD
(2,034 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 03-17-2005 Chlamydera Maculata (spotted BoweR-Bird) 21.85 x 28.35 in Lithograph 3,000 AUD
(2,034 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 03-17-2005 Platycercus Flaveolus (yelloW-Rumped Parakeet) 22.05 x 14.96 in Lithograph 3,000 AUD
(2,034 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 12-13-2009 Aprosmictus Erythropterus (reD-Winged Lory) 19.88 x 13.19 in Lithograph 3,000 AUD
(2,034 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 03-24-2015 Short Tailed Wallaby (quoka) 12.99 x 20.08 in Lithograph 3,000 AUD
(2,034 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 09-25-2011 Oxypogon Cyanolaemus (blue Throttled Helmet Crest) 20.08 x 13.39 in Lithograph 350 AUD
(237 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 09-25-2011 Aegotheles Novae Hollandiae (owlet Nightjar) 18.90 x 12.99 in Lithograph 350 AUD
(237 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 09-25-2011 Hapalotis Longicaudata (long Tailed Hopping Mouse) 13.78 x 20.08 in Lithograph 350 AUD
(237 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 09-25-2011 Musicapa Grisola (spotted Flycatcher) 18.90 x 12.20 in Lithograph 350 AUD
(237 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 09-25-2011 Myiagra Cervinicauda (fawN-Tailed Flycatcher) 20.08 x 12.80 in Lithograph 400 AUD
(271 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-31-2014 Unknown 12.60 x 20.08 in Lithograph 400 AUD
(271 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 03-06-2014 Ptilotis Notata (queensland Yellow Spotted Honeyeater) 20.47 x 13.39 in Lithograph 400 AUD
(271 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 03-06-2014 Acanthiza Magna (great Acanthiza) 20.47 x 13.78 in Lithograph 400 AUD
(271 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 05-16-2006 Garrulus Glandarius (eurasian Jay);coracias Garrula (roller) 19.69 x 13.39 in Lithograph 400 AUD
(271 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Sphenoeacus Gramineus (grasS-Loving Sphenoeacus) A 176 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 400 AUD
(271 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 08-28-2013 A Monograph Of The Macropodidae Or Family Of Kangaroos 22.44 x 14.57 in Lithograph 40,000 AUD
(27,120 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Acrocephalus Longirostris (lonG-Billed SedgE-Warbler) A 178 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 450 AUD
(305 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Climacteris Melanura (blacK-Tailed TreE-Creeper) A 334 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 450 AUD
(305 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Hemipodius Castanotus (chestnuT-Backed Hemipode) A 426 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 450 AUD
(305 USD)
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