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Art auction result for John Gould

1804 Back
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Auctioned pieces | 420 results are found | Page 8 of 14 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 3

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Manucodia Keraudreni (keraudren`s CroW-Shrike) A 609 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 650 AUD
(440 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Phalacrocorax Carboides (australian Cormorant) A 581 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 650 AUD
(440 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Sula Australis (australian Gannet) A 591 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 650 AUD
(440 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Sula Personata (masked Gannet) A 592 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 650 AUD
(440 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Sula Piscator (reD-Legged Gannet) A 594 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 650 AUD
(440 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Herodias Jugularis (blue Reef Heron) A 493 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 650 AUD
(440 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Pardalotus Quadragintus (fortY-Spotted Pardalote) A 73 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 700 AUD
(474 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Ptilotis Sonorus (singing HoneY-Eater) A 270 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 700 AUD
(474 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 08-13-2008 Psitteuteles Subplacens; GreeN-Backed Lorikeet 19.69 x 12.99 in Lithograph 700 AUD
(474 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 09-25-2011 Belideus Flaviventer (busH-Tailed Possum) 20.08 x 13.11 in Lithograph 700 AUD
(474 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 09-25-2011 Parameles Gunni (eastern Barred Bandicoot) 13.19 x 20.08 in Lithograph 700 AUD
(474 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 03-24-2015 HoarY-Headed Grete 13.78 x 18.50 in Lithograph 700 AUD
(474 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Cracticus Argenteus (silverY-Backed ButcheR-Bird) A 87 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 750 AUD
(508 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Talegalla Lathami (wattled Talegalla) A 418 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 750 AUD
(508 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Ardea Pacifica (pacific Heron) A 485 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 750 AUD
(508 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Nyroca Australis (whitE-Eyed Duck) A 531 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 800 AUD
(542 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 08-13-2008 Geoffroyius Hetyeroclitus; YelloW-Headed Parrot 19.69 x 12.99 in Lithograph 800 AUD
(542 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 12-13-2009 Casuarius Uniappendiculatus (onE-Curunculated Cassowary) 13.19 x 21.06 in Lithograph 800 AUD
(542 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 12-13-2009 Halcyon Stictolaema (spotteD-Throated Kingfisher) 19.88 x 13.19 in Lithograph 800 AUD
(542 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 12-13-2009 Onychogalea Unguifera (naiL-Tailed Kangaroo) 19.88 x 13.19 in Lithograph 800 AUD
(542 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 12-13-2009 Halmaturus Manicatus (blacK-Gloved Wallaby) 19.88 x 13.19 in Lithograph 800 AUD
(542 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 12-13-2009 Phalangista Viverrine (viverinna Phalangista) 19.88 x 13.19 in Lithograph 800 AUD
(542 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 12-13-2009 Paradigalla Carunculata (wattled Bird Of Paradise) 21.06 x 13.19 in Lithograph 800 AUD
(542 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 03-24-2015 Diving Petrel 13.78 x 18.50 in Lithograph 800 AUD
(542 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 03-17-2005 Pitonorhynchus Holosericeus (satin BoweR-Bird) 22.05 x 28.35 in Lithograph 8,000 AUD
(5,424 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Strepera Arguta (hill CroW-Shrike) A 80 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 850 AUD
(576 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 11-04-2004 Belideus Sciureus 0 x 0 in Lithograph 850 AUD
(576 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 12-05-2011 Square Tailed Kite 20.08 x 13.78 in Lithograph 850 AUD
(576 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Halcyon Sanctus (sacred Halcyon) A 57 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 900 AUD
(610 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Tinnunculus Cenchroides (nankeen Kestril) A 13 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 900 AUD
(610 USD)
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