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Art auction result for John Gould

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Auctioned pieces | 420 results are found | Page 6 of 14 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 3

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Hemipodius Velox (swifT-Flying Hemipode) A 428 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 450 AUD
(305 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Synoicus Australis (australian Partridge) A 430 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 450 AUD
(305 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Anous Cinereus (grey Noddy) A552 21.46 x 14.17 in Lithograph 450 AUD
(305 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Pachycephala Lanoides (shrikE-Like Pachycephala) A 105 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 450 AUD
(305 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Amytis Macrourus (largE-Tailed Wren) A 170 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 450 AUD
(305 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Acanthiza Apicalis (western Acanthiza) A 197 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 450 AUD
(305 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 10-16-2005 Manucodia Keraudreni (downy Pycnoptilus) A 627. 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 450 AUD
(305 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 12-13-2009 Glareola Grallaria (australian Pratincole) 13.19 x 19.88 in Lithograph 450 AUD
(305 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 12-13-2009 Charmosyna Josephinae (josephina Parrakeet) 21.46 x 13.98 in Lithograph 500 AUD
(339 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Epthianura Albifrons (whitE-Fronted Epthianura) A 204 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 500 AUD
(339 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Oreocincla Lunulata (mountain Thrush) A 244 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 500 AUD
(339 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Piezorhynchus Nitidus (shining Flycatcher) A 124 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 500 AUD
(339 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Graucalus Mentalis (varied Graucalus) A 92 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 500 AUD
(339 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Thalassidroma Melanogaster (blacK-Bellied Storm Petrel) A 577 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 500 AUD
(339 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Climacteris Erythrops (reD-Eyebrowed TreE-Creeper) A 332 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 500 AUD
(339 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Sittella Leucocephala (whitE-Headed Sittella) A 339 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 500 AUD
(339 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Sittella Pileata (blacK-Capped Sittella) A 341 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 500 AUD
(339 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Sericornis Osculans (allied Sericornis) A 188 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 500 AUD
(339 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 08-21-2013 Emerald Ground Dove, Chalcophaps Chrysochlora 21.06 x 13.98 in Lithograph 500 AUD
(339 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 03-17-2005 Platycercus Adeladiae (adelaide Parrot) 21.85 x 14.96 in Lithograph 5,000 AUD
(3,390 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Esacus Magnirostris (largE-Billed Plover) A 439 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 550 AUD
(372 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Procellaria Lessonii (whitE-Headed Petrel) A 564 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 550 AUD
(372 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Origma Rubricata (rocK-Warbler) A 209 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 550 AUD
(372 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Monarcha Leucotis (whitE-Eared Flycatcher) A 612 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 550 AUD
(372 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould 07-18-2004 Monarcha Albiventris (whitE-Bellied Flycatcher) A 613 21.26 x 14.17 in Lithograph 550 AUD
(372 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 03-19-2013 Purple Crowned Wren 20.67 x 13.58 in Lithograph 550 AUD
(372 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 03-24-2015 ReD-Throated Pachycephala; Quoys Crow Shrike 20.47 x 13.78 in Lithograph 60 AUD
(40 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 05-26-2015 Charmosyna Pulchella Gray 20.67 x 13.39 in Lithograph 600 AUD
(406 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 05-14-2015 Myzantha Lutea (honey Eater) 19.69 x 13.39 in Lithograph 600 AUD
(406 USD)
Hammer prices for John Gould Hammer prices and photo for John Gould 05-31-2015 Leucosarcia Picota (wonga Pigeon) 13.78 x 20.67 in Lithograph 600 AUD
(406 USD)
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